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Controllers not loading, no logging either

Downloaded the latest code, uploaded it to my server and everything loaded (yeah!) no more ENV issues or logger loading issues.

I copied the home controller to pages.php and loaded it up in a browser and I get a 404 error - and - the URL changes from /pages to /public/pages
I try to load the checks controller and I get a 404 error and the URL changes from /checks to /public/checks

I check out the routes.php in the config folder and add:
$routes->add('/pages', 'Pages::index');

Try again, same result.

Apart from changing the App.php in the config folder for the $baseURL, nothing else was changed. Also, changed the logging to 9, however, no log file is being written (the writable folder's permissions are 777)

No errors on the server either.

Messages In This Thread
Controllers not loading, no logging either - by Kaosweaver - 05-30-2017, 06:46 AM

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