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LTS - CI 3 -- how long will it be supported/maintained ?

(06-19-2018, 09:42 AM)rangka.kacang Wrote: I agree to disagree with "real developer use Laravel" statement. I think the real one just use PHP out of the box without any framework even for the so-called "faster development" and "not reinventing the wheel" excuses. A very good example to this is the Laravel make:auth command. Why would someone use the pre-made authentication system, I'll be better off spending the next few days to create a customized authentication system with some client-side + server-side validations and to even add some fancy ajax modal for better UI/UX experience. Otherwise, it will just be another front-end framework like Bootstrap providing ready-made/generic solutions. It will somehow jail the developer's creativity because they are doing things in a way by using the default solution.


I imagine they let you hack around Laravel to some extent, but exactly my point that CI just does the core and then stays out of the way.

My point was that developers using CodeIgniter know this, it even says all the right stuff on CodeIgniter home page header, but it's a bit like PHP and other languages at the moment - there are a lot of people saying PHP is not good, because they've read some articles about 6-7 year old PHP version, and they have no interest now to check out PHP 7.

Messages In This Thread
RE: LTS - CI 3 -- how long will it be supported/maintained ? - by Pertti - 06-19-2018, 12:42 PM

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