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Confusing PHP Arithmetic Formula

(This post was last modified: 12-31-2018, 08:27 AM by Josh1985. Edit Reason: Clarification of example )

Hey guys,

I am writing today for some help is deciphering some PHP calculations that were done in Codeigniter.

First of all, I should preface this by saying, I did not write most of this code originally. It was written by a friend of mine who has become very difficult to get in touch with lately due to work schedule.

So here is what I do know:
  • Most of the values for the PHP calculations are held within the database, but not all.
  • Some of the values are dependent on calculations in other places in the HTML table BUT don't appear to be calculated that way.

I have the folllowing code:

Priceinfo.php (Controller)
class PriceInfo extends MY_Controller {

function __construct() {
  $this->session->set_flashdata('uri', $this->uri->uri_string());

function index() {
 $name = $this->uri->rsegment(3);
 $priceinfo = $this->calculator_model->read_record_by_name($name);
 $data = array(
      'title' => "Shirley's Recipes: ".$priceinfo->title,
    'columns' => array('toc', 'calculator'),
  'priceinfo' => $priceinfo
 $this->load->view('includes/template', $data);

function admin() {
 $name = $this->uri->rsegment(3);
 $priceinfo = $this->calculator_model->read_record_by_name($name);
 $data = array(
      'title' => "Shirley's Recipes: ".$priceinfo->title,
    'columns' => array('toc', 'calculator'),
  'priceinfo' => $priceinfo
 $this->load->view('includes/template', $data);
//End - priceinfo.php

Calculator_model (Model)
class Calculator_model extends CI_Model {

function create_record($data){
 $this->db->insert('calculator', $data);
function read_record_by_id($id){
 $this->db->where('id', $id);
 $q = $this->db->get('calculator');
 return $q->row();
function read_record_by_name($name){
 $this->db->where('name', $name);
 $q = $this->db->get('calculator');
 return $q->row();

function update_record($id, $data){
 $this->db->where('id', $id);
 $this->db->update('calculator', $data);
function delete_record($id){
 $this->db->where('id', $id);
// End - calculator_model.php

calculator.php (View)
<div id="calculator" class="content">
<h1>Shirley's Recipe Book Price Info</h1>
<table id="printinfo">
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid; border-left:1px solid;"><?=$priceinfo->header ?></th>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Print Single-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Printing:</td>        
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Pages:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per Page:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Print:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Color</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numSinglePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php printf('$%01.2f', $priceinfo->colorSingleCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php printf('$%01.2f', $priceinfo->numSinglePages * $priceinfo->colorSingleCost) ?></td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;">Black & White</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numSinglePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%01.2f', $priceinfo->bwSingleCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%01.2f', $priceinfo->numSinglePages * $priceinfo->bwSingleCost) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Print Two-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Printing:</td>        
 <td colspan="2"style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Pages:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per Page:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Print:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Color</td>
 <td colspan="2"style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numDoublePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->colorDoubleCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numDoublePages * $priceinfo->colorDoubleCost) ?></td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;";">Black & White</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numDoublePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->bwDoubleCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numDoublePages * $priceinfo->bwDoubleCost) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Laminate Single-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Lamination:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Pages:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per Page:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Laminate:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;">8.5 x 11 Inch Sheets</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numSinglePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->laminateCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numSinglePages * $priceinfo->laminateCost) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Trim Laminate Single-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Lamination:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per Cut:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Sheets:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"># of Cuts per Page:<br>(per 100 Sheet Stack)</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Trim Laminate:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;">8.5 x 11 Inch Sheets</td>
 <td colspan="2"style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->cuttingCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numSinglePages ?></td>  
 <td style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numCutsPerPage ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->cuttingCost * $priceinfo->numCutsPerPage) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Laminate Two-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Lamination:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Pages:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per Page:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Laminate:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;">8.5 x 11 Inch Sheets</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numDoublePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->laminateCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numDoublePages * $priceinfo->laminateCost) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Trim Laminate Two-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Lamination:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per Cut:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Sheets:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"># of Cuts per Page:<br>(per 100 Sheet Stack)</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Trim Laminate:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;">8.5 x 11 Inch Sheets</td>
 <td style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->cuttingCost) ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numDoublePages ?></td>  
 <td style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numCutsPerPage ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->cuttingCost * $priceinfo->numCutsPerPage) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Bind Single-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Binding:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Pages:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per 100 Pages:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Bind:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;">Coil</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numSinglePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', (int)(($priceinfo->numSinglePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Cost to Bind Two-Sided</th>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Type of Binding:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;"># of Pages:</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost per 100 Pages:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Bind:</td>
 <td style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:2px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;">Coil</td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php echo $priceinfo->numDoublePages ?></td>
 <td colspan="2" style="border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', (int)(($priceinfo->numDoublePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid; border-left:1px solid;">Total Cost</th>
 <td colspan="5" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Print, Laminate, Trim, & Bind in Color Single-Sided:</td>
 <td style="border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numSinglePages * ($priceinfo->colorSingleCost + $priceinfo->laminateCost)  + (int)(($priceinfo->numSinglePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <td colspan="5" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Print, Laminate, Trim, & Bind in Black/White Single-Sided:</td>
 <td style="border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numSinglePages * ($priceinfo->bwSingleCost + $priceinfo->laminateCost)  + (int)(($priceinfo->numSinglePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <td colspan="5" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; border-right:1px solid; border-bottom:1px solid;">Cost to Print, Laminate, Trim, & Bind in Color Two-Sided:</td>
 <td style="border-bottom:1px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numDoublePages * ($priceinfo->colorDoubleCost + $priceinfo->laminateCost)  + (int)(($priceinfo->numDoublePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <td colspan="5" style="background:#6890CB; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; border-bottom:2px solid">Cost to Print, Laminate, Trim, & Bind in Black/White Two-Sided:</td>
 <td style="border-bottom:2px solid"><?php printf('$%0.2f', $priceinfo->numDoublePages * ($priceinfo->bwDoubleCost + $priceinfo->laminateCost)  + (int)(($priceinfo->numDoublePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>
 <th colspan="6" style="background:#6890CB;">Updated : <?=date("D M j G:i:s T Y", strtotime($priceinfo->updated.' UTC')) ?></th>

Calculator Database Table Field Names:

Now if you look at line #126 of "calculator.php (View)" , you will see the following:

<td style="border-bottom:2px solid;"><?php printf('$%0.2f', (int)(($priceinfo->numSinglePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?></td>

More specifically the PHP code block:
<?php printf('$%0.2f', (int)(($priceinfo->numSinglePages - 1) / 100 + 1) * $priceinfo->bindingCost) ?>

I don't have the foggiest idea what she was calculating here. I was expecting something like the PHP computed output value in the HTML table added together with the next total below it, and so on; to get the correct calculation in a simpler way like: number/variable + number/variable + number/variable + etc. Especially, since NONE of the totals in the HTML table are stored in the database.

The only logical way I can figure one would calculate-what as far as am aware-is an arbitrary number as far trying to do PHP calculations with those totals. Unless of course I enter each total as either a variable and calculate the defined variable which can change quite often. Or, I use just a raw number like 55.46 + 140.06 + 7.96 + 2.49, etc.. Correct?

So, If someone could decipher that for me I'd be most appreciative.

Thank you,

P.S. I am new to PHP and this project started out as me learning as she wrote the majority of the code. But, so far i've been on my own.

Messages In This Thread
Confusing PHP Arithmetic Formula - by Josh1985 - 12-31-2018, 08:01 AM

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