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Modular Separation - PHP5 (Modules)

There is no secret to using MY_ class extensions. Just make sure you follow the CodeIgniter conventions properly.

File naming and class naming rules are especially important.

I understand that. I've used them quite a few times. But for some reason, it's not working for me with your Modular Extensions. I would love to continue using it, so I am trying to find out why CI won't load the MY_Model class. MY_Controller works just fine, but the MY_Model won't. It's very strange.

Even when trying to use the model when not in a module, it won't load properly.

Maybe it is my setup. I'm not sure. Here is what I have:
MY_Model (located in application/libraries/) :
class MY_Model extends Model
    #    class variables
    protected $table;
    #    Constructor
    public function __construct()
// ...[more code]... //

And here is my model inside of my blog module
class blog_model extends MY_Model
    public function __construct ()
        # code...
        $this->table = 'blog';
    // ...[more code]... //
and since my MY_Controller works, here it is for comparison.
MY_Controller (located in application/libraries/) :
class MY_Controller extends Controller
    protected $module;
    protected $controller;
    protected $method;
    protected $inner_view = '';
    protected $template = 'template';
    protected $data = array();
    public function __construct()
        $this->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
        $this->controller = $this->router->class;
        $this->method = $this->router->method;
        $this->inner_view = $this->module . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
                . $this->controller . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
                . $this->method;
// ...[more code]... //

Well I can assure that using MY_Model works fine with Modular Separation so the problem lies in your code or your installation.

Blog_model class name is important but probably not the issue here.

And the file name should be blog_model.php

MY_Model.php file name is important too.

Call parent::__construct() before other code in the Blog_model class constructor.

I found it.

I copied this app from what I thought was a blank version, and I ended up having some left over code in the autoload.php config file.

I removed the autoload, and everything is working as expected. Sorry for the thread spam.

[eluser]CI flea[/eluser]
I have quite a big application which at present uses Matchbox 0.9.3. I've had problems trying to update it to the last version of Matchbox, so decide to try Modular Separation. I was surprised by just removing Matchbox and dropping Modular Separation into my library folder that everything worked, except for one problem I found.

I have separated my views into subfolder for organisational reasons, and everything worked fine. However with Modular Separation I find that if I have a view subfolder with the same name as the Module, it is not able to load these files. A quick change of name for the view subfolder and everything works, however I have hundreds of these across my whole application.


I have a module called Documents, then in my Views folder I have a subfolder called documents. Modular Separation is not able (and throws no errors) to load files from this subfolder. If I rename my subfolder as document (no s), everything works fine.

I running CI 1.7.2 and php 5.3, with MS 1.11.

I would also like to know if it's possible to move the modules folder from the Application folder to my application root folder.


[quote author="CI flea" date="1267816876"]... if it's possible to move the modules folder from the Application folder to my application root folder.[/quote]

Use the Modules::$locations array setting. See MY_Router.php

[eluser]CI flea[/eluser]

I've tried to set Modules::$locations but not not had any success yet;

I would like to put the modules folder in the web rot. This is what I've tried so far,
Modules::$locations = array(
    'path/to/web/' => '../modules/',

also tried various combinations of '../modules/', '.modules/', etc.


[eluser]Sean Downey[/eluser]

Thanks for the library it looks great.
In early testing at the moment and came across an issue which I haven't see in the forum thread.

MY_Controller calls
all good
but in the memberlib.php constructor I call
$this->CI = &get;_instance();
I get
Quote:The configuration file userlib.php does not exist.

It works if I use

but should it work without specifying the module?

Thank you

I love this system. It's made my app quite powerful and flexible. I've integrated the modules into a new CMS we're developing. Thank you for providing it.

However, I had a problem where I had a uri '/students/gallery' that was trying to load the gallery module I have (modules/gallery/controllers/gallery) instead of loading the page that the gallery module is used on. The reason is because there is no physical students/gallery page, instead these are slugs in a database, so the router didn't find the page, but did find the module and broke my page.

I solved this by removing the first line in the _validate_request function in the extended router class:

public function _validate_request($segments) {        
    /* locate module controller */
    //if ($located = $this->locate($segments)) return $located; <-- this line

    /* use a default 404 controller */
    if (isset($this->routes['404']) AND $segments = explode('/', $this->routes['404'])) {
        if ($located = $this->locate($segments)) return $located;
    /* no controller found */
    //my custom code to load the cms system goes here, instead of showing a 404 error

Now everything is working as it should. I just want to confirm that this line is only there so that under normal circumstances, if a physical controller is not found, it will look for a module using that uri, and that by removing it, all I'm losing is the ability to use the uri to load a module. Is that correct?


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