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Ignited DataTables

Hey Yusuf, that's real nice. I was thinking about this over the weekend and that is exactly how i would have implemented it. I think this functionality is required. It needs to be as flexible as possible.

Great work!



*added method 'edit_column',
*added support for callback functions in replacements (usable in both add_column and edit_column)

function list_all()
        ->select('id, name, email, age')
        ->join('tbl_local', 'country', 'tbl_profile.local_id = tbl_local.id')
        ->join('tbl_states', 'state', 'tbl_profile.state_id = tbl_states.id')
        ->add_column('edit', '<a href="' . base_url() . 'admin/profiles/edit/$1">Edit</a>', 'tbl_profile.id')
        ->add_column('delete', '<a href="' . base_url() . 'admin/profiles/delete/$1">Del</a>', 'tbl_profile.id')
        ->edit_column('tbl_profile.name' , '<a href="' . base_url() . 'admin/profiles/edit/$1">$2</a>', 'tbl_profile.id, tbl_profile.name') /// (make links)
        ->edit_column('tbl_profile.email' , '$1***@***', 'callback_substr(tbl_profile.email|0|4)'); // (show only the first 4 chars of emails)

      $data['result'] = $this->datatables->generate();
      $this->load->view('ajax', $data);


Okay, great, i'll give this a go today. Nice work.

hello guys again.

I know it is out of topic,One of my friends asked and I've made a native php version of the library. http://bit.ly/j4zyMP
Someone else can find it useful Smile

usage: (create a file that you are gonna call: ajax.php)

$datatables = new Datatables;

$config = array(
   'user' => 'root',
   'password' => '',
   'db' => '',
   'server' => 'localhost' );

$datatables->select('id, username, email, activated')

echo $datatables->generate($config);

Usage is very similar. Again it is for native php.

latest usages in v.0.4.3 beta:

simple usage :
function list_all()
        ->select('id, name as username, email, age')

      $data['result'] = $this->datatables->generate();
      $this->load->view('ajax', $data);

usage with joins:
function list_all()
        ->select('id, name as username, email, age')
        ->join('tbl_local', 'tbl_profile.local_id = tbl_local.id', 'left')

      $data['result'] = $this->datatables->generate();
      $this->load->view('ajax', $data);

sample contains all the features:
function list_all()
        ->select('id, name as username, email, age')
        ->join('tbl_local', 'tbl_profile.local_id = tbl_local.id')
        ->join('tbl_states', 'tbl_profile.state_id = tbl_states.id')
        ->add_column('edit', '<a href="' . base_url() . 'admin/profiles/edit/$1">Edit</a>', 'id')
        ->add_column('delete', '<a href="' . base_url() . 'admin/profiles/delete/$1">Del</a>', 'id')
        ->edit_column('username' , '<a href="' . base_url() . 'admin/profiles/edit/$1">$2</a>', 'id, username')
        ->edit_column('email' , '$1***@***', 'callback_substr(email|0|4)');

      $data['result'] = $this->datatables->generate();
      $this->load->view('ajax', $data);

edit : removed links, v0.5 will be released soon..


pushed the new codes to git already. wiki is being updated.

meanwhile, refer to yusuf's post #154 for usage guides...

Hey Yusuf, sorry about the delay in testing this bu i had a project come up that i had to run off to!

How would you go about handling this?

->edit_column('timestamp', '$1', "callback_date(d-m-Y H:i|)");

The second parameter needs to be the timestamp itself.

->edit_column('timestamp', '$1', "callback_date(d-m-Y H:i|timestamp)");

thats it ^^

That doesn't seem to work for me, it just gives me 01-01-1970 01:00 for all the dates. I had tried that but it didn't work out which was why i thought i must be missing something!

depending on http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php, date function needs second parameter to be integer.

it should be in this format : callback_date(M-d-Y H:iConfused|1305927001)

so this may work..


->edit_column('timestamp', '$1', "callback_mysql_to_unix(timestamp)")
->edit_column('timestamp', '$1', "callback_date(d-m-Y H:i|timestamp)")

btw, i've updated git.

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