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Ignited DataTables

really great but it is not replacing space between words, well i have put



hey everybody,
i've made a video about installing IgnitedDatatables and its usage in very limited time =).

Video : http://bit.ly/iXvRfk


[quote author="ηυмвєяσηє" date="1308421296"]hey everybody,
i've made a video about installing IgnitedDatatables and its usage in very limited time =).

Video : http://bit.ly/iXvRfk

Yusuf[/quote][offtopic]How... in... the... word... do... you... survive... in... dreamweaver...!?!? :S I would seriously advise you to look at the alternatives...[/offtopic] Now a bit more ontopic, these videos only tend to be useful if you record some audio with them as well, though I don't like doing that either Tongue

Hello, i have a situation here... I am using datatables+igniteddatatables and serverside processing on them. Now I want to apply filter on datatables. Not ordinary but extended filter. Example...filter on price range (show me records between 100-5000). Another one...I have a column with status and would like to filter on lets say 2 statuses (Available,Sold,For sale, Other and would like to show records that match Available and For sale). For now I am filtering like this
oTable.fnFilter(x, x);
But this only works for one match from specific column. And regex in this filter doesnt work.
Could anyone advise me how to do that? Is this even posible?

Hey skergetd,

You can push data to ajax like this (use aoData.push):
'fnServerData': function(sSource, aoData, fnCallback)
    aoData.push( { "name": "filter_min", "value": "100" },
                 { "name": "filter_max", "value": "5000" } );
              'dataType': 'json',
              'type'    : 'POST',
              'url'     : sSource,
              'data'    : aoData,
              'success' : fnCallback

function listener()
        ->select('id, name, email, age')

      $this->datatables->where('age >', $this->input->post('filter_min'));
      $this->datatables->where('age <', $this->input->post('filter_max'));

      $data['result'] = $this->datatables->generate();
      $this->load->view('ajax', $data);

This should work..

Is there anyway we can use SQL grouping (group_by) ?
I can't find any in the library code.


you should use 'GROUP BY' in subqueries.

For Example :

->select('pages.id as pageid, title')
->from('(SELECT id,title,user_id FROM pages GROUP BY user_id) as pages')
->join('users', 'users.id = pages.user_id', 'left' )

echo $this->datatables->generate();

its not a very good example but i think u got the idea ^^


Ignited Datatables v0.5.3 released, added mDataProp support for Datatables v1.8.1+



I've tried this in where clause:

$this->datatables->where("(tractivity.activestatus=1 and tractivitysubscriptions.userid = '" . $_SESSION['userid'] . "' and activitytype=1) or (tractivity.activitytype=0 and tractivity.activestatus=1) or (tractivity.userid='" . $_SESSION['userid'] . "')");

The result is correct but somehow I can't use the datatable search feature.
It's processing but didn't get a correct search result.

I wonder where's the problem in this?
Btw, the subquery was great... many thanks.

Thanks in advanced


Try :

$this->datatables->where("((tractivity.activestatus=1 and tractivitysubscriptions.userid = '" . $_SESSION['userid'] . "' and activitytype=1) or (tractivity.activitytype=0 and tractivity.activestatus=1) or (tractivity.userid='" . $_SESSION['userid'] . "'))");

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