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View Object PHP5

Impressive... don't use that word very often. Will experiment with this tonight.

Thanks esra, feedback is appreciated. Wink

@nmweb, I will add __set() & __get() and submit this to the wiki after testing. Thanks.

Nice work!
I'll give it a try later tomorrow, this looks really great.


Thanks Armorfist.

Added __get() & __set() as per suggestion, but this appeared to create severe slowdown issues on my production server, I have commented both methods out for now. Use them at your own discretion until I find the cause.

Thanks for the idea nmweb Wink

Don't panic, it seems there was a DNS issue with my host at the exact time I uploaded the new library.

Dontcha just hate it when that happens :lol:

__get and __set do create a slowdown when you use them, magic methods are just slower in general. Therefore I always choose to make them optional by mapping them to a publicly available method. It makes the syntax often a lot more intuitive.

Anyway, thanks for adding it in

It's all good nmweb, both methods work fine. Wink

Update: Added $data array() to View Object constructor to allow template and data to be passed at instantiation.
$view = new View('master_layout_file', $data);

Also added View Object PHP5 to the wiki: http://codeigniter.com/wiki/View_Object_PHP5/

Update: Code cleaned up a bit.

View Object version 3.0.5 is available on the wiki also.

hey there

I apologize in advance for this 'noobish' question, but could you shortly explain how the master template file 'master_layout_file' would look like?
I don't get how e.g. the header will be replaced in the master template.

I searched through the CI-wiki for your project, hoping for detailed explanation. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything Sad

As for me, I had now a master-view (well, 'till now it is my first CI-project), in where I would load the regions (header, footer, main-content etc). I guess your aim of this class is to get a better handle of dealing with different regions, right?


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