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What was the first real CodeIgniter application you built?

[quote author="ggoforth" date="1261573110"]my first major application was http://www.pencilem.com. That URL is actually a joomla site, but click on Demo to view the actual web app that is built entirely on CodeIgniter and jQuery.[/quote]

Very impressive! Roughly how long did it take for you to build it?

[quote author="John_Betong" date="1261597289"] 
I am still building mine but hope to get it finished soon Smile

Haha seeing the Tiger Woods joke on the front page makes me love it already!

[quote author="Craig A Rodway" date="1261599461"]In 2006, I built a room booking system for schools, called Classroombookings. I started writing version 2 of it (mostly from scratch) about a year ago. You can see the demo of development progress here.[/quote]

I'm definitely going to study your source! Thanks [:

[quote author="Developer13" date="1261600485"]
WTF type of application are you building that has over 100 controllers, 90 libraries and 700 views?[/quote]

Lol, it is rather large, yes. It is a combination of an HRM, CRM, projectmanagement, invoicemanagement combined with payroll,hourregistration and payout. Currently used in only a few european countries but will be used at the worldcup asswell.

The plans for 2010 include a few new modules and a deployment system aswell as deployment to a few new countries

We hit the 500.000 lines of code marker 2 months ago. Time to refactor...

[eluser]Abu Ghadeer[/eluser]
Hi there,
I am currently working on a simple gallery script. I am doing this to learn CI and have fun with PHP.


I've done a lot in CI now. Started up writing some very simple websites for some small clients, bit overkill - but heay, you've got to get used to ci someway!

Apart from the overkill, it really got me started. A simple site has almost everything in it: you need to think about how to 'run' your templates, how to keep your code easy to maintain and update (especcially since my CMS back then was still a 'native' PHP app, and the version I was working on back then featured a completely different database structure!) and it makes you think about performance and SEO optimalization.

The only thing it did not make me think about was editing data, like an an database or in files. That was the next step, by rebuilding and upgrading my CMS to a CI powered CMS. Works like a charm.

Lately I'm working a lot with libraries and complex php5 stuff, transcoding binary blobs, complex security, et cetera.

I really love CI. except for three little things: CI tends to give you headaches with some kind of typos (like when you forget an closing ) with an return right after it: makes the screen go blank) It gives you no output at all then, really annoying. The second is getting .htaccess to work on different hosts, and the last is the constrains CI's MVC structure come with. It can be really annoying to have to hack your way through some of CI's logic to get something right, while it could be done quite easily in native PHP or ruby!


[quote author="soimpossible" date="1261570881"][quote author="BrianDHall" date="1261569936"]I built http://bukubux.com, then rebuilt it. It wasn't just for the sake of learning, I just had to get it done fast and I took an unusual (for me) risk and decided to use CI to do it. I'm very glad I did![/quote]

It looks pretty neat, how long did it take to build it?[/quote]

First I recreated an existing Joomla-built site in an extremely long week, which was really more like 2-3. I kept only the html/css layout (it looked very different than now).

Then it evolved over a few months, and then was given an almost complete makeover and changed heavily to go from paid membership only to free, though a "text to phone" feature did get dropped as a result.

1-3 months full time, depending on how you calculate it, but the bulk was done in under a month.

This is where I learned the extreme Pareto Principle as it relates to web development - 80-95% of the work takes 20-5% of the time. Its the 'final details' that never seem to be finished Smile

[quote author="soimpossible" date="1261614165"][quote author="ggoforth" date="1261573110"]my first major application was http://www.pencilem.com. That URL is actually a joomla site, but click on Demo to view the actual web app that is built entirely on CodeIgniter and jQuery.[/quote]

Very impressive! Roughly how long did it take for you to build it?[/quote]

I built it over a 6 month time period working on it full time. To be honest I spent more time working on the UI side of things (jquery) than with CI, but CI runs the entire back end.


We're working on a full-featured and completely modular application framework. It's in alpha at the moment, and currently only supports static content (all other available modules are for intranet applications, we're working on GPL modules for forums, blogs, albums, etc).

the first public site using this framework is our sponsors website.

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