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That seems to be returning an empty array.


<pre>&lt;?php print_r($posts); ?&gt;</pre>
&lt;?php print $this->db->last_query(); ?&gt;

Returns this:

SELECT blog_post.id, blog_post.user_id, blog_post.title, blog_post.category, blog_post.date_published, blog_post.content, user.username, COUNT(blog_comment.id) AS total_comments FROM (`blog_post`) JOIN `user` ON `user`.`id` = `blog_post`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `blog_comment` ON `blog_comment`.`post_id` = `blog_post`.`id` WHERE `blog_post`.`date_published` = 1 GROUP BY `blog_comment`.`post_id` ORDER BY `blog_post`.`date_published` desc

How are you assigning $posts and where are you doing your print_r ?

print_r() in the model so we can rule out controller/view errors.

Here's my complete code at the moment:


class Blog extends CI_Controller


function index()


  // If user has logged in.
  if ($this->session->userdata('username'))
   $data['current_user'] = $this->user_model->current_user();
   $data['posts'] = $this->blog_model->get_all_posts();  
   $this->load->view('blog_view', $data);
   // Redirect to the login page.



class Blog_model extends CI_Model


public function get_all_posts()
     $query = $this->db->select('blog_post.id, blog_post.user_id, blog_post.title, blog_post.category, blog_post.date_published, blog_post.content, user.username, COUNT(blog_comment.id) AS total_comments', false)
  ->join('user', 'user.id = blog_post.user_id')
  ->join('blog_comment', 'blog_comment.post_id = blog_post.id', 'left')
  ->where('blog_post.date_published', 1)
  ->order_by('blog_post.date_published', 'desc')
  return $query->result_array();



&lt;?php $this->load->view('includes/header_view'); ?&gt;
  <div class="row">
   <div class="eight columns content">
    &lt;?php foreach ($posts AS $post) : ?&gt;
    <div class="box-ribbon">
     <div class="ribbon">
      <img src="&lt;?php echo site_url('images/icons-blog-category') . '/' . $post-&gt;category . '.png'; ?&gt;" alt="" />
      <p>&lt;?php echo clean_date($post->date_published); ?&gt;</p>
      <div class="clr"></div>
     <div class="box-ribbon-content">
      <h2><a href="#">&lt;?php echo $post->title; ?&gt;</a></h2>
      <p><em>by <a href="&lt;?php echo site_url('people') . '/' . $post-&gt;username; ?&gt;">&lt;?php echo $post->username; ?&gt;</a> / &lt;?php echo relative_time($post->date_published) . "ago"; ?&gt; / 13 comments</em></p>
      &lt;?php echo $post->content; ?&gt;
     </div> &lt;!-- end box-ribbon-content --&gt;
    </div> &lt;!-- end box-ribbon --&gt;
    <div class="box-bottom"></div>
    &lt;?php endforeach; ?&gt;
   </div> &lt;!-- end content --&gt;
   <div class="four columns sidebar">
    <div class="box pad0">
     <center><img src="&lt;?php echo site_url('images/sponsor-astro.png'); ?&gt;" alt="Astro Gaming" /></center>
    </div> &lt;!-- end box --&gt;
    <div class="box-bottom"></div>
    <div class="box pad0">
     <center><img src="&lt;?php echo site_url('images/sponsor-gametraders.png'); ?&gt;" alt="Gametraders" /></center>
    </div> &lt;!-- end box --&gt;
    <div class="box-bottom"></div>
    <div class="box">
     <h4>January '12</h4>
      <li>No exclusive fighters in Xbox Street Fighter X Tekken</li>
      <li>Gaikai full-game streaming to start 3 months after launching on Facebook</li>
      <li>Max Payne gear to dress up, slow down your Avatar</li>
      <li>Why Soul Calibur Still (Quietly) Burns After More than a Decade</li>
     <h4>December '11</h4>
      <li>Boingo offers free Wi-Fi to 3DS users at select UK airports</li>
      <li>Hudson name will live on after Konami takeover</li>
      <li>Slightly Mad's Project Cars coming to Wii U, has nothing to do with Pixar</li>
      <li>Beta test Skyrim 1.4 on Steam (if you dare)</li>
     <h4>November '11</h4>
      <li>SF X Tekken reality show puts the spotlight on fighter fans</li>
      <li>Sega's new UK studio is 'Hardlight'</li>
      <li>LittleBigPlanet 2's Muppet DLC is just about the happiest thing ever</li>
      <li>Rayman Origins comes to 3DS in North America March 20</li>
      <li>Microsoft hiring for 'LEAP' and 'Platform Next' game studios</li>
     <h4>October '11</h4>
      <li>Capcom Digital Collection arrives on March 27 in US, March 30 in Europe</li>
      <li>Ninja Gaiden 3 dev diary reasserts seriousness of ninja game development</li>
      <li>Daxter, more PSP games re-rated for PlayStation Certified devices</li>
     <h4>September '11</h4>
      <li>Sony, CCP 'negotiating PS3 virtual item policy' for DUST 514</li>
      <li>Grand Theft Auto 3 and GTA: Vice City rated by ESRB for PS3</li>
      <li>FIFA 12 defends its UK sales championship, Rayman ascends</li>
      <li>Japanese hardware sales, January 9 - 15: Looking back edition</li>
     <h4>August '11</h4>
      <li>Sony, CCP 'negotiating PS3 virtual item policy' for DUST 514</li>
      <li>Sniper Elite V2 trailer, dev diary and gallery explode in your face</li>
      <li>Resident Evil 4 on Android, exclusive to Korea's LG LTE market (for now)</li>
      <li>Official Mario and Zelda songbooks now available in English</li>
      <li>The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Defender's Quest</li>
      <li>Zynga's paid $300 per new user in the past nine months, says analyst</li>
    <div class="box-bottom"></div>
   </div> &lt;!-- end sidebar --&gt;
  </div> &lt;!-- end row --&gt;

&lt;?php $this->load->view('includes/footer_view'); ?&gt;

I dropped the print_r and the last_query before opening the foreach statement in the view.


You're up.

The empty array means there are no errors in the query - it just isn't returning any results. Usually means something like a WHERE clause is not matching any results.

Which is probably the problem - looks like I put the wrong column name in the where() method. Smile

->where('blog_post.date_published', 1)

How did that get through unnoticed?

Ok, sweet. Not sure how I missed that either.

It's working now, but it's only returning 2 results for some reason. There are 4 published articles though.


public function get_all_posts()
     $this->db->select('blog_post.id, blog_post.user_id, blog_post.title, blog_post.category, blog_post.date_published, blog_post.content, user.username, COUNT(blog_comment.id) AS total_comments', false);
  $this->db->join('user', 'user.id = blog_post.user_id');
  $this->db->join('blog_comment', 'blog_comment.post_id = blog_post.id', 'left');
  $this->db->where('blog_post.status_published', 1);
  $this->db->order_by('blog_post.date_published', 'desc');
  $query = $this->db->get();
  return $query->result_array();


[quote author="codejack" date="1327998525"]
It's working now, but it's only returning 2 results for some reason. There are 4 published articles though.

Possibly because of the group_by clause.

Thats because it should be:
return $query->result();

// not!
return $query->result_array();

He is using objects in his view!

Thanks for all the help, guys. I got it working.

class Blog_model extends CI_Model


public function get_all_posts()
     $this->db->select('blog_post.id, blog_post.user_id, blog_post.title, blog_post.category, blog_post.date_published, blog_post.content, user.username, COUNT(blog_comment.id) AS total_comments', false);
  $this->db->join('user', 'user.id = blog_post.user_id');
  $this->db->join('blog_comment', 'blog_comment.post_id = blog_post.id', 'left');
  $this->db->where('blog_post.status_published', 1);
  $this->db->order_by('blog_post.date_published', 'desc');
  $query = $this->db->get();
  return $query->result();


Couldn't have done it without you!

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