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Ignited DataTables

Everything is working now.

made a small update which may be great news to some.

added foreign charset support for generating results.

so these are now possible:

//generate with default utf-8 encoding

//generate with latin-1 character support

i hope some of you may find this useful (as i did at work today).

I was wondering if I can pass a controller function into the add_column parameter. The function called queries a separate database and prints out a string based on whether there is data in the table or not.

            ->select('id, employee_name, submitted_date')
            ->add_column('related_info', $this->printRelateInfo($id), 'id')

function printRelateInfo($id){
  $str = '';

  //Get the employee data
  $employee_data = $this->employee_model->getEmployeeData($id);
     $str .= '<a- href="#" class="disabled-link"><img src="form.png" alt="form icon" /></a>';
  else :
    $str .= '<a- href="viewInfo/$employee_data[0] ['id']"><img src="form.png" alt="form icon" /></a>';
  echo $str;


don't echo it in the function. return it instead:

     ->select('id, employee_name, submitted_date')
     ->add_column('related_info', $this->printRelateInfo($id), 'id');        

function printRelateInfo($id)
  $str = '';

  //Get the employee data
  $employee_data = $this->employee_model->getEmployeeData($id);

    $str .= '<a href="#" class="disabled-link"><img src="form.png" alt="form icon" /></a>';
    $str .= '<a href="viewInfo/$employee_data[0]['id']"><img src="form.png" alt="form icon" /></a>';

  return $str;

[eluser]Derek Nutile[/eluser]
In your example above, how does the printRelateInfo function know what the variable $id is? Shouldn't it be more like a back reference like the code below? I can't get that to work either though, so any help would be appreciated.
->add_column('related_info', $this->printRelateInfo('$1'), 'id');

i just copied your code and didn't notice that...

my point was about returning the result instead of an echo.

adjust code as you see fit =)

Hey there, thanks a lot for this plugin, very useful but, like the last posts, I'm trying to add a function when editing/adding a column and it fails miserably, I only obtain "no" in every rows, could you help me a bit ?

function userlist()
                ->select("login, email, activation")
                ->edit_column('activation', $this->show_activation_link('$1', '$2'), 'activation, login');
        echo $this->datatables->generate();
    private function show_activation_link($status, $user)
        if($status == 0)
            return "no";
        elseif($status == 1)
            return "yes";

[eluser]Derek Nutile[/eluser]
My method uses active record. Here's a test method:
function datatable_test ()
    $query = $this->db->select('state_name');
    $query = $this->db->get('states');

    return = "Some output ...";
When I call this method with the Datatables library, like this:

        ->select('id, member_id, user_name, state')
        ->edit_column('state', $this->customer_model->datatable_test('$1'), 'id')
echo $this->datatables->generate();

The result is a database error on the JSON page like this. Notice it has combined the fields from the datatables SQL with the datatable_test method:
Quote:Unknown column 'state_name' in 'field list'
SELECT id, member_id, user_name, state_name FROM (states) WHERE `statecd` = 'OR'
I assume this is because the library creates it's own CI object, but maybe you can clarify.

Note that I am making this simple. Of course my method doesn't just get the state for a user or I would create a JOIN. Instead, my method iterates through several stages to get an order status based on many variables.

First, you can not use 'edit_column' like :
->edit_column('state', $this->customer_model->datatable_test('$1'), 'id')

The second parameter must be a string. it is not possible to use functions in a controller in order to use '$1' value. You need to use a helper function instead of that and you need to use that as a callback function.

example of using a helper:
1. Create a helper file in your helper directory (datatables_helper.php)

2. Load your helper (datatables_helper.php) in your ajax listener.

function listener()
      $this->load->helper("Datatables"); // create datatables_helper.php in helpers folder
        ->select('id, name, email, age, status')
        ->edit_column('name', '$1', 'strtolower(name)')  // php functions
        ->edit_column('email', '$1', 'customfunction(id, email, status)');  //custom functions in your helper..
      $data['result'] = $this->datatables->generate();
      $this->load->view('ajax', $data);

3. Use SQL 'JOIN' statement as u can. Performance will be reduced, even if you did a function like below. Because, it runs a query at every row.
function datatable_test ()
    $query = $this->db->select('state_name');
    $query = $this->db->get('states');

    return = "Some output ...";


[eluser]Derek Nutile[/eluser]
Exactly what I needed Yusuf, thanks!

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