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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="Demostenes Garcia" date="1246133976"]Hey, I think there's an error with line #48 of application/modules/comments/controllers/admin.php:
$this->data->modules = $modules + array('module' => 'all');

Must be:
$this->data->modules = $modules . array('module' => 'all');

I think somebody thought it was js Smile[/quote]

actually that's perfecty valid php sytax to add an item to an array, like array_merge() :-)

yorick, I'll have a think about that suggestion when I'm not at the pub :-p

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1246147602"][quote author="Demostenes Garcia" date="1246133976"]Hey, I think there's an error with line #48 of application/modules/comments/controllers/admin.php:
$this->data->modules = $modules + array('module' => 'all');

Must be:
$this->data->modules = $modules . array('module' => 'all');

I think somebody thought it was js Smile[/quote]

actually that's perfecty valid php sytax to add an item to an array, like array_merge() :-)

yorick, I'll have a think about that suggestion when I'm not at the pub :-p[/quote]

Sure thing. In theory it's nothing new, it's almost exactly the same way as WordPress works. However, it is something that's really worth the try Smile

Simply said, it's a global structure for the entire frontend.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
I had a look through the commits you made and although it seems like a great idea, already we have come across something I was REALLY hoping to avoid. Module specific CSS in a single "modules.css" file.

How do new modules get styled? Also, this means ALL CSS is being loaded on each page. Why does news need to know suppliers CSS?

I'm not saying no to this work, we just need to find a way to keep the themes modular as modularity is a main focus of this CMS.

Quote:Why does news need to know suppliers CSS?

Hmm, depends on the styling-structure... if you use specific ids like #suppliers_container and #news_container its not clever to load the css all in one, but if you use global classes like .container the problem is solved...

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
The point is that Yorick wants to be able to style all the modules totally differently based on the CSS. At the moment I am keeping modules CSS independant with classes such as "float-left" and "width-half". Obviously this is horrible for theme designers so we need a way for modules to be styled from themes in a modular way.

Yorick's solution takes one approach, I take another. Both have pro's and con's but essentially both are wrong and a third solution needs to be found for this.

Also, I really do not like the idea of #suppliers_container. Surely &lt;body id="suppliers"&gt; and <div id="module_title"> <div id="module_container"> would do the job MUCH better, as general rules can be made for all titles, containers, wrappers, whatever and then a specific module can have a specific rule.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="Demostenes Garcia" date="1246143311"]I translated this CMS completely to Spanish, took me a couple of hours btw.

If you would like to have it, tell me and I will send it to you or something.


Please do send it on over. email[at]philsturgeon.co.uk

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Definatly. Once PyroCMS hits version 1.0 I will look into adding a module/theme REST service from pyrocms.com which will be picked up in the modules/themes modules for PyroCMS downloads.

Until then the outstanding work can be found on the Bugs/Issues tracker on GitHub (link in my sig).

Also, I semi-jokingly started off a contribution competition which you could always enter. ;-)

If you wish to submit source code that is fine. Let me know which issue you plan to work on and I will give you access to the Git repository. Or if it is simple enough, you can just give me a set of change instructions a'la old phpBB mod files.

We have had some brilliant contributions so far, would love to see more.

Does this...

[quote author="luxurynavi63" date="1246374125"]Would be very interested to see what you have got made so far and whats under the hood. I would also be willing to help you write some maybe but would need to know what needs doing. A module repo/site would be nice, that way these can all be drop in sections and user submitted.[/quote]

look similar to this...

[quote author="garymardell" date="1238821278"]Would be very interested to see what you have got made so far and whats under the hood. I would also be willing to help you write some maybe but would need to know what needs doing. A module repo/site would be nice, that way these can all be drop in sections and user submitted.[/quote]


[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1246306689"]The point is that Yorick wants to be able to style all the modules totally differently based on the CSS. At the moment I am keeping modules CSS independant with classes such as "float-left" and "width-half". Obviously this is horrible for theme designers so we need a way for modules to be styled from themes in a modular way.

Yorick's solution takes one approach, I take another. Both have pro's and con's but essentially both are wrong and a third solution needs to be found for this.

No, you don't seem to understand what I mean. I ment that all modules would have the same layout, no matter what type of module it is. This way designers only need to style them once.

The reason I used a different Stylesheet for the modules is to keep things more organized.

I strongly suggest you to get your arse on Skype so I can explain what I mean, you don't seem to get it Wink

p.s. It seems that you are confused by the ID names, they are supposed to stay the same way as defined in the skeleton file, they won't changed based on the module. E.g <h3 id="module_title"></h3> will always have the id "module_title", whether the current module is the gallery module or the pages module.

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
Just a small idea, what if you could tell me what piece of code I had to modify in order to get my idea working ?*
That way I can edit a single module, say the pages module, and show exactly what I mean.

* Asking this because just looking at the code is making my head go crazy Tongue

Update: Here's a basic DFD of the module flow Smile : http://i39.tinypic.com/21jrwhv.jpg

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