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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

Thanks Ben Smile

Hi Ben,

I am new to codeigniter, great work, just one thing, I cannot seem to get the email_check to return error message 'Email already in use' or something similar using the below;

$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email Address', 'required|valid_email|callback_email_check');

     * Checks email
     * @return bool
     * @author Mathew
    public function email_check($email = '')
        if (empty($email))
        return FALSE;
        return $this->db->where('email', $email)
            ->count_all_results($this->tables['users']) > 0;

also tried using you callback function on page 25 of this post, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Add the callback function I posted earlier to your controller and it should work.

Let me know if you get any errors.

Does anyone have a good solution to retrieving the users that are currently logged in?



Email functions: bug-fixes and new features


forgotten_password and forgotten_password_complete:
in case of success an error-message was set instead of set_message.

Plain-text version of emails did not show the link.
This is fixed by the email_with_markers feature.

New features:


$config['email_templates']     = 'auth/email_with_markers/';

now uses a set of email templates with markers ###subject###, ###message### and ###alt_message###

So you have a comfortable control over functionality, look an feel of your emails.

You can use the methods
$this->ion_auth->get_message_from_template($template, $data)

$this->ion_auth->send_email($email, $subject, $message, $alt_message = '')
everywhere in your application to easily send well designed admin-emails.

Now supports mailtype

simply set
     * Mail type, 'text' or 'html'
    $config['mailtype']     = 'html';

Send email and / or return a data-array

     * Send email
     * Ion_auth either sends an email directly (and returns bool)
     * or it returns a data-array, so that you can write your own email methods
     * or both
     * set to 'email', 'data' or 'both'
     * Default : 'email'
    $config['send_email']     = 'email';

So you can easily do so something with calculated data directly after the registration, i.e. update some fields in the database or show the new user his user_id or make your own confirmation-process.

I tested as well as I could. It should be fully backward compatible.
As I am not yet on GitHub, I post the files here.

Thank you for your feedback!

Best regards


[quote author="Timothy_" date="1273747687"]Does anyone have a good solution to retrieving the users that are currently logged in?



What about showing the username from table ci_sessions WHERE last_activity > now() - 360

Best regards

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Those changes sound pretty good to me but I haven't had a chance to go through the code yet (crazy week!). Any chance you could do a github pull request anytime soon? If not, I can probably get around to going through it sometime next week.


Library looks utterly amazing. I think both Ben and Phil rock, although I don't know them, lol.

Anyway my question is:

How bug free is it now? would you recommend for or against using it on a live website.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

I know us and I agree, we do rock.

There are no known bugs at the moment and I am using the library on several production sites plus all of the sites that are using PyroCMS are using Ion Auth under the hood.

What about the bug fixes joytopia mentioned?

Are these actual bugs that needed to be fixed?

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