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Modular Extensions - Version 4.3

4.1 is currently a bit slower than 4.0, and uses a bit more memory. What could speed things up is replacing the modules::find() function with a registry-array in a temp file.

I know, in development you will have the need to rebuild this file regularly, but once in production it will sit for quite some time, saving a lot of processor cycles.

Thanks Maxx, I am looking at somthing like that right now.

4.1.11, will be ready soon and has some speed and memory improvements also.

Refactoring code is the biggest improvement.

Version 4.1.11 of Modular Extensions is available on the wiki.

Serious speed improvements and lower memory usage.

My test site with profiler on: http://www.ezybuycars.net.nz/home

Using a module to render the Search partial and Page controller modules, with Help a method controller and an Error module controller.

Okay cool. Already getting closer to 4.0!

4.0.30: mem: 955K, base: 109 ms, controller: 676 ms
4.1.11: mem: 1149K base: 164 ms, controller: 714 ms

This is with: CL_Auth, sessions, 7 view partials in module, 1 modules::run() in view (7 calls).

[4.1.11] Currently using modules::run() in a controller requires the called method to use a
return $this->load->view($partial, $data, TRUE);
To be able to use the called method stand-alone will require extra handling (need to echo the returned value somewhere else), and there is no way to use existing/older controller/methods as a partial this way.

Okay, you can use this:
modules::run($module, $data, $method);
$data[$method] = ob_get_contents();
but it would be great to be able to set this in modules::run(). Perhaps similar to load->view?
$data[$method] = modules::run($module, $data, $method, TRUE);
This works in modules_helper:
function run($module, $data = '', $method = '', $buffer = FALSE)
    if($class =& modules::load($module))
        if ($method == '' OR $method == $module) $method = 'index';
        if ($buffer === FALSE) {
           return (method_exists($class, $method)) ? $class->$method($data) : $class->_error($method, $data);
        } else {
           (method_exists($class, $method)) ? $class->$method($data) : $class->_error($method, $data);
           $return = ob_get_contents();
           return $return;

    show_error("Unable to locate the requested module: ".$module);

Thanks Maxx, Try this. (untested)
    function run($module, $data = '', $method = '', $return = FALSE)
        if($class =& modules_load($module))
            if ($method == '' OR $method == $module) $method = 'index';

            $output = (method_exists($class, $method)) ? $class->$method($data) : $class->_error($method, $data);
            if ($return === FALSE) $output = ob_get_contents();
            return $output;

        show_error("Unable to run the requested module/method: ".$module.'->'.$method);

No didn't give the expected results (blank partials). Probably because the $output will not be filled (module output is echoed, and not catched by $output), and after that the output is destroyed.

I'm pretty sure anything echoed while output buffering is active should be caught and passed to $output. Check your TRUE/FALSE return values on load->view and modules::run.

True, my bad. Did not use 'echo' in the view.

Version 4.1.16 of Modular Extensions will be available on the wiki today.

Added feature to autoload controllers.

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