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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

If you mean like checking logged in or if the user is an admin just add a constructor to the controller with ion_auth->logged_in() or ion_auth->is_admin() or whatever you need.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]
alanmi2 and Sandyandi N. dela Cruz,

Please fork and submit a pull request on Github. It gets a little difficult to keep up with all of the code changes through the forums and email.


I haven't forgot about ya man, I promise! Wink

ben,may i know why you used UNIXTIME rather to use CURRENT_TIME on created_on and last_login field?

[quote author="huuray" date="1278793281"]ben,may i know why you used UNIXTIME rather to use CURRENT_TIME on created_on and last_login field?[/quote]

I think, the reason is to be compatible with CI date helper:

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]
Sandyandi N. dela Cruz,

I just added this code to the update_user method in the model:

if (array_key_exists($this->identity_column, $data) && $this->identity_check($data[$this->identity_column]) && $user->{$this->identity_column} !== $data[$this->identity_column])
            return FALSE;

Please check and make sure it works for you as well.


Is there a particular reason for the following functions, not to be merged?


I managed to cook it down to 2 functions, 1 which takes the message, message type and the delimiter position (1,2) and then 1 function which selects the correct delimiter based on the type of message.

But I could be wrong, there might be some clever reason it's devided Smile

Edit: which would be awesome to know as I'm coding a message feature into a core class of a site, rather than just the authentication system ^.-

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

No technical reason. It was coded to be similar to the form_validation error methods.

Oh and why does it recieve an array of messages? I'm new to the whole CI (and MVC pattern for that matter, which can be confusing), so I guess you wouldn't send more than 1 error? Atleast I had issues trying to dig a set of messages out from your example codes. Might just have missed it. System looks pretty solid though, I just suck at understanding stuff I havnt wrote me self :/

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Do you mean ion_auth->errors()?

If you do, it returns all of the errors formatted with the delimiters that are set.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]
Yo everybody,

Due to the large demand from you guys and me actually having a little time to spare today I've started (you might want to sit down for this) DOCUMENTING!

I would love some help if anybody has some time, I've added a userguide folder to the github repo and you can view what I've got so far (which isn't much) at http://benedmunds.com/ion_auth/

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