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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Not really. We have a page manager, I cannot see how it would differ from that.

Even if we do not use TinyMCE (probably for the best) then we can use CodeMirror.

What are you working on now that you are back anyhow dude? You seem to be part-way through a thousand things but finishing nothing lol. Kinda like me. >.<


Just stumbled upon this, was thinking of writing my own framework, but CodeIgniter seems to be just what I was looking for, and now I have found PyroCMS which is the whole idea behind writing a framework in the first place, so I would be willing to help on this if I can.

Got a few questions for you though ...

I dont actually see any license details on the PyroCMS webpage can you shed any light on this?

Also, what are the chances of seeing the database schema?

And this forum post is getting a bit long, so do you have plans of hosting a forum on the Pyro website?


[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Hey thanks for the feedback.

Right, the license is in the code but I could probably address this on the website somewhere.


The database schema can be viewed by looking at the installer code.

And as for a forum, yes indeed. We currently track most things on the GitHub issues board but even that is getting a little crowded. I have started to convert an existing CodeIgniter forum system I have to work with PyroCMS and luckily it is not proving too difficult so far. We can view categories, view forums, view topics and create new topics, but adding replies is yet to be complete. It feels very pre-alpha at the moment, but you can see what im up to by following the GitHub branch called 'forums'.

Thanks for the response.

github seems to not be working at the moment, this includes the download, is this unusual?

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
This happens now and then. Normally to resolve the situation I just bitch and moan at @github on twitter. It is never down too long.

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
Just want to let everybody know, I'm back in Holland ! Big Grin

Finally I have some time to test and try PyroCMS to see if I could use it for a personal project. This is going to be a long post.
I don't know if anyone will read all this text in broken English, but still here I'm posting all the issues I encountered when test driving pyro.
I really want to make pyro my battle horse, so I decided to document my second experience with it.

1. - Going to pyrocms throws this:
Is this a feature? Wink

2. - This is minor, but When installing, after submitting the database settings I got
"The database configuration file could not be written, please chmod PyroCMS's database.php file to 777"
I think this will be better showed as a warning before submitting.

(there is no 3).

4. - I submitted the database info again and I got this again:

"The dummy data could not be inserted, please verify your settings."

The script created the table, but no dummy data seemned to be inserted (more on this later).

Since I can't get past this point, and there is no indicator of how many steps are there in the installation, I have no Idea if there should be something more to the installation.
I expect there should be a "succesfull installation" page with the admin data, etc.

5. - I try to visit the root of the site, but I'm getting a database connection error if I try to visit the site.
The database.php info got written correctly, and I can connect manually to the database.

So I searched CI forums. Solution: changed the pconnect setting to FALSE on database.php

6. - Now I can access the site to a nice 404 page.
I can access the control panel fine.
Also the spanish is broken. I can help with that once I make pyro work.
BTW, I never chose spanish anywhere. Why is it chosing the langague for me?

After messing around a bit and creating a couple of pages, I found out that I have to manually add the links to the navigation menu.
Once I did this, I lost the 404 error. I got a home page. I don't know if this is a feauture, but it's confusing.

7. - I went and tried to add the dummy data manually out of the sql file.
I got a a "Duplicate entry" error on the table categories, so I guess dummy data did got inserted partially.
(is there a duplicate insert somewhere, and that's why I was getting the error?)

8. - Captcha is not working. (No image shown).

9. - Those are some big ass SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS buttons.

10. - PyroCMS default theme by Yorick throws the following error on the sidebar:
"Error Number: 1146
Table 'somedatabase_pyro.widgets' doesn't exist
SELECT name, area FROM (widgets) WHERE `active` = 'true' AND area LIKE '%sidebar%'"

Also it doesn't show the login-logout links.

11. - Freshmedia theme doesn't show the sidebar

12. - I stopped testing here. I might get into it later. Maybe try to find why captcha is not working, or dive into the templates to see how that works, or maybe try to adapt a direct image/file uploader I made a while ago to the TinyMCE editor.

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="fatdog" date="1250807088"]Ok,
Finally I have some time to test and try PyroCMS to see if I could use it for a personal project. This is going to be a long post.
I don't know if anyone will read all this text in broken English, but still here I'm posting all the issues I encountered when test driving pyro.
I really want to make pyro my battle horse, so I decided to document my second experience with it.

1. - Going to pyrocms throws this:
Is this a feature? Wink

2. - This is minor, but When installing, after submitting the database settings I got
"The database configuration file could not be written, please chmod PyroCMS's database.php file to 777"
I think this will be better showed as a warning before submitting.

(there is no 3).

4. - I submitted the database info again and I got this again:

"The dummy data could not be inserted, please verify your settings."

The script created the table, but no dummy data seemned to be inserted (more on this later).

Since I can't get past this point, and there is no indicator of how many steps are there in the installation, I have no Idea if there should be something more to the installation.
I expect there should be a "succesfull installation" page with the admin data, etc.

5. - I try to visit the root of the site, but I'm getting a database connection error if I try to visit the site.
The database.php info got written correctly, and I can connect manually to the database.

So I searched CI forums. Solution: changed the pconnect setting to FALSE on database.php

6. - Now I can access the site to a nice 404 page.
I can access the control panel fine.
Also the spanish is broken. I can help with that once I make pyro work.
BTW, I never chose spanish anywhere. Why is it chosing the langague for me?

After messing around a bit and creating a couple of pages, I found out that I have to manually add the links to the navigation menu.
Once I did this, I lost the 404 error. I got a home page. I don't know if this is a feauture, but it's confusing.

7. - I went and tried to add the dummy data manually out of the sql file.
I got a a "Duplicate entry" error on the table categories, so I guess dummy data did got inserted partially.
(is there a duplicate insert somewhere, and that's why I was getting the error?)

8. - Captcha is not working. (No image shown).

9. - Those are some big ass SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS buttons.

10. - PyroCMS default theme by Yorick throws the following error on the sidebar:
"Error Number: 1146
Table 'somedatabase_pyro.widgets' doesn't exist
SELECT name, area FROM (widgets) WHERE `active` = 'true' AND area LIKE '%sidebar%'"

Also it doesn't show the login-logout links.

11. - Freshmedia theme doesn't show the sidebar

12. - I stopped testing here. I might get into it later. Maybe try to find why captcha is not working, or dive into the templates to see how that works, or maybe try to adapt a direct image/file uploader I made a while ago to the TinyMCE editor.[/quote]

Please report any issues using the Bugtracker instead of this topic Smile

Quote:10. - PyroCMS default theme by Yorick throws the following error on the sidebar:
"Error Number: 1146
Table 'somedatabase_pyro.widgets' doesn't exist
SELECT name, area FROM (widgets) WHERE `active` = 'true' AND area LIKE '%sidebar%'"

It isn't finished yet, that's why Wink

[quote author="Yorick Peterse" date="1250816439"]

Please report any issues using the Bugtracker instead of this topic Smile


Yes I know. Sorry about that. I plan to submit to the bugtracker, but I wanted to be more specific over there, and some of the other issues on my post are not even bugs, just suggestions and/ or questions. I need to filter all these notes before I pollute the bugtracker.

[quote author="Yorick Peterse" date="1250816439"]

Quote:10. - PyroCMS default theme by Yorick throws the following error on the sidebar:
"Error Number: 1146
Table 'somedatabase_pyro.widgets' doesn't exist
SELECT name, area FROM (widgets) WHERE `active` = 'true' AND area LIKE '%sidebar%'"

It isn't finished yet, that's why Wink[/quote]

Oh well that explains a lot :red:

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
1.) There is no spanish homepage so it is trying to show it to you. Will create a fallback for this to default to default_lang if no spanish page exists.

2.) Need to chmod that yourself, this should be displayed on the installer before it attempts to write it.

4.) Yorick? :-)

5.) This is most likely an issue with your host. Do you have any other db driven CI sites on the same hosting?

6.) Broken how? Shove ?lang=en on the end to switch it. It default to Spanish because that is what your browser is suggesting it does, and Spanish is a supported language.

Yes you need to add the pages to navigation menus yourself as otherwise it would not know which menu to put them in.

The reason it works after you add pages yourself is those new pages will be added as spanish pages. If you changed them to english you would still see 404.

7.) Yorick? :-p

8.) Same as issue 2, the installer does not tell you to chmod folders properly, but they are listed in the INSTALL file which everyone ignores.

chmod 777 codeigniter/cache
chmod 777 codeigniter/logs
chmod -R 777 application/cache
chmod 777 application/config/config.php
chmod 777 application/config/database.php
chmod -R 777 application/uploads
chmod -R 777 application/assets/img/galleries
chmod -R 777 application/assets/img/products
chmod -R 777 application/assets/img/staff
chmod -R 777 application/assets/img/suppliers

9.) Hahaha yes they are massive! I was going to create a set of config options to control which are displayed, but I have decided this can just be a widget. Still waiting on Widgets to be finished.

10.) Yeah thats not done yet. It shouldnt have been commited to master if it wasnt finished... Yorick!

11.) That theme does not have a sidebar :-)

12.) File uploader would be sweet but we have TinyCIMM on the way which will handle this and its going very well so far.

Thanks for all the feedback dude. It has created a few things for me to think about, mainly with the installer, but the page manager needs some sorting too.

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