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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

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[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Just wondering if anyone else was getting this issue. Yorick is sure that it is my setup, yet I believe it to be a bug with his installer!

[quote author="Developer13" date="1252499825"][quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1252498783"]Anybody else getting an issue with installer saying it failed on the last step, but in fact creating the tables anyway?

I have experienced it myself and had it reported to me by several others.[/quote]

Ummm... isn't this YOUR CMS?[/quote]

Yeah, it's his - but he's asking so he can diagnose the el problemo. Smile

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Developer13" date="1252499825"][quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1252498783"]Anybody else getting an issue with installer saying it failed on the last step, but in fact creating the tables anyway?

I have experienced it myself and had it reported to me by several others.[/quote]

Ummm... isn't this YOUR CMS?[/quote]

No, we made a fork of Expression Engine that's being funded by Derek Allard and called it PyroCMS....

Yes I did experience that error too, I deleted the database and ran the scripts manually to generate it again..

Now the problem I have is that I’m getting Unable to load the requested language file: language/newsletter_lang.php I’ve searched for the file and I do have it on application\modules\newsletters\language\english and spanish but I don’t know where it must be registered.. or if I’m missing something else?

Thanks in advance.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
We have a ticket set up for the installer bug. As for the newsletter_lang.php file being missing, thats a weird one!

It exists alright, is this being uploaded via FTP or on a local setup? If it is FTP then it could be a corrupt upload or something strange like that.

Hi Phil thanks. Yeah its a local setup I've searched for that file "language/newsletter_lang.php" and I do have 2 of them one at application\modules\newsletters\language\english and the other at application\modules\newsletters\language\spanish.

The weird part is that the error is saying it should be under the folder language I did a search for the folder and since there where many of them I open the one under application\modules\newsletter because of the error telling its about newsletter, so under that folder I have 2 folders one for english and one for spanish.

So I pulled one of the "newsletter_lang.php" and pasted in the language folder directly to see if that fixed the issue, but still no luck, maybe something went wrong at the installation and I have to manually tell some config file where is my default language or something like that? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

Found another issue in 0.9.7-pre with the pages module: the delete method in the controller references the deletePage function in the model which does not exist.

The fix:
The other issue in the page model:
$thia->db->where('id', $id)->or_where('parent_id', $id);
$this->db->where('id', $id)->or_where('parent_id', $id);

The other issue i've been encountering with this module is relative urls in the tinymce editor where i want to set up a link to another page held by the pages controller, but the editor inserts "../" before anything typed as a link href.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
The page model stuff has been fixed. Remember that if its not a tagged release, things are likely to be a bit broken here and there.

I have added a ticket about the TinyMCE relative URL issue to our new private bug-tracker. I will take a look at this myself as it has annoyed me for a while.

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1253023306"]The page model stuff has been fixed. Remember that if its not a tagged release, things are likely to be a bit broken here and there.

I have added a ticket about the TinyMCE relative URL issue to our new private bug-tracker. I will take a look at this myself as it has annoyed me for a while.[/quote]
No problems, I was getting a little bit impatient with the non-recursive page routing in and decided to take the jump. How long until the official 0.9.7 branch will be released?

The relative url issue was fixed extremely quickly using the code on: http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Automatic_configbase_url/ and patching application/config/config.php and relative links can be inserted with "parent/child" in the anchor menu in tinymce

EDIT: This only fixes the "../" issue on the development server and lends to being easier to relocate to a production environment. I remember reading about a relative_url parameter that can be fed into tinymce at init but i would have to look closer at that for the specifics.

I have been thinking about how to add conditional nav link selection/highlighting to the navigation module and in my experiments, I have been trying to see if there is a way to edit existing navigation groups to modify their properties, ie "conditions=yes|mode=firstmatch" stored in an additional field in the navigation_groups table. Are there any existing stubs for doing so?

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