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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

Thanks! Looks to be exactly what I need. I'll give it a go.

For one IE does not like the cookie having an underscore!
$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'cisession';

It could also be the difference in the server and users


does this have oauth authentication ?

[eluser]Rob Pomeroy[/eluser]
That's left as an exercise for the user, but the code is very hackable. It's something I'm planning to implement but I can't commit to any time scale.


Hybrid Session library (http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/124821/) fixed the session issue I had in IE. Thanks for the help!


I had the same problems before and I am glad, that I could help you.

Best regards

[quote author="Rob Pomeroy" date="1284035352"]Now to take a good look at your library! I'll be wanting to drop in reCAPTCHA, OpenID and possibly LDAP in due course... [/quote]

I'm working on integrating CI with an existing intranet, and LDAP is exactly what I need. The existing libraries are pretty cumbersome to use, so if any progress is made on an Ion/LDAP feature, I'd be interested. I had started on my own (non-Ion) library already, but if there's progress on this, I'd love to know.

For another project OpenID would be the best way, but I haven't started even looking at that yet.

I'm getting a MySQL error when dumping in the table create query text. I'm using the version of ion_auth I got from GitHub today. MySQL version is: 5.1.36

The error seems to be related to the 'id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)' line.

I've been using an earlier version of ion_auth (from June '10) and the table structures seem to have changed since then.

Any assist would be helpful.

Hmmm not sure what i'm doing wrong,...

i'm using HVMC, with the latest of CI (2.0) and MS/E (5.3+) and have other similar modules running perfectly...

try to keep the ion_auth stuff as a module of authentication... thusly, inside the modules/ folder.

as a result of looking at the pyrocms (for example only) by @phil, I'm doing what I need to do... in my case I made an "modules/auth/" and all the files are in there... including the config/,views/, etc....

the trouble I'm running into apparently is that it's:

An Error Was Encountered

The configuration file auth/ion_auth.php does not exist.

which is interesting cuz in the auth.php controller itself i literally (right before the config file is loaded) - do a fetch on the module - just to see if that's keeping it's value:

public function __construct()
        $this->ci =& get_instance();

        echo $this->ci->router->fetch_module();
                // result: "auth"

        $this->ci->load->config('auth/ion_auth', TRUE);

I'm sure this is elementary but after scrubbing forums, search, etc... i'm alas left with a forum submission...

thanks for any and all who can help.

for some reason the auth thing now works... (i think i was juggling 3 ways to get it to work and after rifling thru and backing it all out... all seems better...

now, my situation is that it definitely loads the /modules/auth/config/ion_auth.php file correctly, and yet it gives me now this error...

An Error Was Encountered

Unable to locate the file: auth/login.php

it's happening on one of those redirect('auth/login')'s i think but i'm not sure why it's saying that auth/login.php doesn't exist, cuz it's clearly in the view area.

(this is where I'm gonna look stupid, i can feel it!)

I think it's because my naming it "auth" and there's a folder in view/ as auth/ that things are getting auth'd up... Smile

will try renaming it to users. and try once more.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Looks like you're using the MS SQL file instead of the MySQL file. The MySQL file is named ion_auth.sql.

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