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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1253163298"]

[quote author="ray73864" date="1253156790"]The validation on the 'new page' thing works good, the 'slug' section doesn't like having .html on the end, it says 'invalid characters' or something, and then what appears in the 'tinymce editor box' is '
<p>this is a test page</p>
', when i view the new page, instead of showing correctly, it shows '
<p>this is a test page</p>
' instead of showing 'this is a test page'[/quote]

Looks alright here on Firefox 3.5 Mac. What are you testing in? There was an issue similar to this which should have been fixed in this commit.[/quote]

if you look at the 'test' page on hXXt://pharmacy.rayherring.net/ you will see what i mean.

I am running the latest commit that you had put up on github.

The test case for this is:

Quote: 1. click on the 'pages' module in the control panel
2. click on 'new page'
3. in the 'title' box put something like 'test'
4. in the 'slug' box put something like 'test.html'
5. set the 'parent' to whatever you want
6. put something in the tinymce editor box, such as 'this is a test'
7. click on 'save'
8. the validation runs and the 'new page' re-appears with the following message:
Quote: Required field missing

The Slug field may only contain alpha-numeric characters, underscores, and dashes.
9. take a look at the tinymce editor box, it should now have:
<p>this is a test</p>
10. change the 'slug' to be 'test' (without the .html)
11. click on 'save'
12. it saves the page
13. go to view your page on the main site. eg: /test and you should see the following:
Quote: Home :: Test


<p>this is a test</p>

Had to put a 'code' box in because the forum was converting the 'p' tag.

14. that's all the steps to reproduce.

I managed to get this to repeat on several occasions, currently using the following build:


Oh, and i am using Firefox 3.5 on Windows 7, but the problem happens on Vista and XP too using FF3.5

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
That will have to wait until tomorrow now, way past my bedtime. If you spot a fix in the mean time please do let me know.

frack, i did it again, i edited my post after you replied Sad

also, your 'pyrocms.com' site has the same problem on the following page:


not having used tinymce much before i can't really offer a fix, all i can see is that you create the textarea first and then tinymce takes over.

i know in FCKEditor you can pass javascript params to the box such as: $myEditor->source = "my body";

I posted a fix for that issue in this thread for It involves htmlentities() in the views associated with the news module. In the latest 0.9.7-pre that issue is no longer.

[quote author="dysfictional" date="1253172077"]I posted a fix for that issue in this thread for It involves htmlentities() in the views associated with the news module. In the latest 0.9.7-pre that issue is no longer.[/quote]

I am running 0.9.7-pre, and the issue i mentioned is happening.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
I have removed htmlentities() from several places as I believe it was originally added as part of my testing for Chinese character support but was accidentally committed with other work.

I will try your testing plan this evening if I have time. As I said if anyone can look at the most current version of the code (download the bleeding edge again) and suggest a fix that would be freaking brilliant.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
I was asked about a roadmap so here is a brief one:

Quote:v0.9.7 will contain the new Page Manager (it will be sweet) and all current changes.

v0.9.8 will have widget backend so people can start building proper navigations, re-designed comments, theme CSS overriding (all CSS will be moved to module specific CSS files which can be overridden in the theme).

v0.9.9 hopefully will not exist.

v1.0 will contain a module manager for installing/removing modules and hopefully the REST service to install new modules will be live by then. Should also have some lovely new default themes, and upgrade manager and all sorts of other crazy stuff.

Cache purging tool and a new forums module will be thrown in there somewhere too.

Hey Guy's

"all new to this scene and CMS. Thank you very much developers so far for developing such a nice CMS!"

Though i am implementing my own lay-out and everything is going well. But i have some questions regarding the

&lt;?=$page_output; ?&gt;

I have on the index like 3 columns where i need to put different text.

&lt;?=$page1_output; ?&gt; &lt;?=$page2_output; ?&gt; etc. doesn't work correctly.

How can i do more then 1 &lt;?=$page_output; ?&gt; per page?



[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
ray73864: If I use htmlenteties(stripslashes($page->body)) this solves the problem you speak of, but it also removes any HTML I write into the article as text. This TinyMCE configuration is always a pain... Anyone have any ideas?

Ernst_: Each page has one main "output" and the rest is a layout file. You can have different layout files in your theme and eventually widgets will take over for sidebar content.

Other than that, use normal CodeIgniter methods to split up content in your views.

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1253239264"]
Ernst_: Each page has one main "output" and the rest is a layout file. You can have different layout files in your theme and eventually widgets will take over for sidebar content.
Other than that, use normal CodeIgniter methods to split up content in your views.[/quote]

Ok - thank you for you're quick reply.

I'll try to set it to more then 1 main "output" per page. So u have 1 or more tinymce's to work with on 1 page.


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