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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
You can have as many TinyMCE instances in a single page. Just apply the class wysiwyg-simple or wysiwyg-advanced.

ty for the tip. Smile Much appreciated!

Maybe u have time to answer these questions Smile

Are you the only one working on PyroCMS or are there more party's working with it?
Me and a colleague from the netherlands are trying it out now and we might sent it to some of our employe's in India. We might build a e-commerce section, with payment and shipping Smile

I didn't find loads of documentation about the CMS, like 'how to upload a theme' what file format etc. We already managed though but still..

PyroCMS === http://pyrocms.com/ with you as main programmer and 2 other programmers. Forum here on codeigniter.com and a twitter? Or is there more?

I really like it and it's much better then other CMS's but i'm wondering if this is the whole community.

Warm regards - Ernst

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
It was just me for almost 2 years but now Yorick Peterse, ignitedcoding and Turv have all joined the team with the intention of making this CMS kick some serious backside.

We have had many contributions from the CodeIgniter community but the two are not directly linked.

For now you are correct, there is no documentation. This CMS was expected to hit v1.0 faster than it has and I said I would not release documentation until the system was stable. Otherwise I am spending half of my damn time re-writing docs instead of working on features!

Soon pyrocms.com will have a forum system. It is mostly finished I am just lacking in motivation to finish the darn thing. Then we will move away from this thread and people can get support, post help and whatever else on that site.

Documentation soon! :-)

Hi Phil,

i am trying to get an old module of mine working in 0.9.7-pre (it was working fine in 0.9.6), i found through looking at the 'details.xml' file in the pages module that there was a new line 'is_backend_sidebar'.

i got that fixed, but when i try to go to the modules admin page i get

Quote:Error: Couldn't open the page.

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1253243701"]

Documentation soon! :-)[/quote] :wow:

Hello Phil, What file is needed to upload a theme? We have changed the Freshmedia lay-out but i'd like to upload one directly.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Just shove a theme in a ZIP file. Its really only meant for when we offer theme files, if you have access to your own server it would make sense to just FTP it in like the rest of your site.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Guys, I need some ideas for the new page manager.

Seeing as we have unlimited levels of pages now I had planned to create some sort of tree view for the admin page list. Buuuuut, I am not sure how it should work.

I can use something like the Treeview plugin but im not sure how I should then show options (edit, delete, view).

Any ideas? Perhaps implement some right-click functionality?

I am happy with PyroCMS admin requiring JavaScript.

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1253456352"]Guys, I need some ideas for the new page manager.

Seeing as we have unlimited levels of pages now I had planned to create some sort of tree view for the admin page list. Buuuuut, I am not sure how it should work.

I can use something like the Treeview plugin but im not sure how I should then show options (edit, delete, view).

Any ideas? Perhaps implement some right-click functionality?

I am happy with PyroCMS admin requiring JavaScript.[/quote]

The treeview plugin with a right click option would be fine Smile


1) Make the menu 's and link structure in one system.

2) Make menu's slidable via a javascript so u can slide menu's and change the button position via de menu bar. (instead of giving them a number)

3) Create more then 1 page output. So when u have a page with more then one text fields u can easylier add a another output. And when u do so - add a wysiwyg editor in the back.

4) Create a form manager so u can create forms by yourself. So if you need for a contact form only : name and message u only need 2 fields. If you want more fields like; name / ASL / companyname / phonenumber etc u can easylie add those and change the position of them.

Here are a couple of ideas. check http://tinyurl.com/l3spuk for more functionality.

Regards -Ernst

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