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YAAS :: Yet Another Authentication System :: 0.0.1

its going good. Got a few more things to do to wrap up everything but the payment integration...

awesome, I look forward to seeing it!!

Alright finishing up the next release. It wont have paypal integration but that's going to be a separate library on top of all of this so...

Hope to have that out in a few days.... (Basically need to sit down and test it)

First Official Release is done!
Check the first post for details.

This is a full standalone this time since it needs some testing. Once we leave the Beta test of this ill release a drop in version.

I have done some testing on it However since I was on a localhost machine I was not able to test the emails... Some things are working, some may not be... So help me out here!

there is a template of sorts. with some user interface stuff. More of an example of how things work! Code is pretty well documented and ill try and get a user guide out asap.

Please post all bugs so I can get them fixed.
If you solve the bug feel free to share the answer lol

Just found this. I like this guys ideas So with the below being said. I think im going to be doing a bit of revamping already lol... It would be nice to shave off DMZ however still leave the option there to use it... (Don't know if this will be easy or not...)

Quote:Authentication for CodeIgniter done right

Here's my MINIMAL required list of features from an authentication library. It also happens to be a subset of my own library's feature list Wink

1. Tiny footprint with optional test implementation
2. Full documentation
3. No autoloading required. Just-in-time loading of libraries for performance
4. Language file support; no hard-coded strings
5. reCAPTCHA supported but optional
6. Recommended TRUE random salt generation (e.g. using random.org or random.irb.hr)
7. Optional add-ons to support 3rd party login (OpenID, Facebook Connect, Google Account, etc.)
8. Login using either username or email
9. Separation of user and profile data
10. Emails for activation and lost passwords
11. Automatic cookie login feature
12. Configurable phpass for hashing (properly salted of course!)
13. Hashing of passwords
14. Hashing of autologin codes
15. Hashing of lost password codes
16. Hooks into CI's validation system
17. NO security questions!
18. Enforced strong password policy server-side, with optional client-side (Javascript) validator
19. Enforced maximum number of failed login attempts with BEST PRACTICES countermeasures against both dictionary and DoS attacks!
20. All database access done through prepared (bound) statements
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34698...902#476902

Well I have come up with an idea to be able to support multiple database interaction layers
(aka: Active Record, Straight SQL, Datamapper etc...)

The default will be Active Record however the methods used can be replicated with datamapper. Meaning the same methodology will be used. (sorta)

When using AR (Active Record) or Straight SQL.
You will have to define all of the table columns in the model. For example for a user model

class User {
    var $CI;
    // Column Names
    var $username;
    var $password;
    var $email_address;

    function User()
        $this->CI =& get_instance();

    function login()
        $query = $this->CI->db->where('username',$username)->where('password',$password)->get();
        if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
            return $query->result();
            return FALSE;

This is just a quick example but its the same sort of thing data mapper does! The trick will be when relation ships are needed... Other than that however I can make the code act like this and its not that hard to build models for this methodology!

whats the latest update with this project looking like... ?

Still working on it.

I need to finish it up soon so I am working my ass off on it...

Anything new? Would love to get this with PayPal integration...

Working on a new release currently.

Should have something out soon!

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