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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
This issue is caused by not having MySQLi installed. MySQLi is not required for PyroCMS to run but it was the only way we could think to get the installer importing out SQL scripts nicely at the time. Yorick experimented with a few options but in the end this was they method we chose.

I have set up a ticket to get the installer to check for MySQLi so they error is not dislayed and a more useful message can be returned instead but long term we need a better installation method.

As you have said, the manual install seems to work and it really is not that much extra work to get it working manually. Sorry for the inconvience anyway. :-(

its fine, I found out its due to running php 4, which of course is bad anyway. I believe most things in pyro require 5 anyway. No biggy, still getting the error saying dummy data couldnt be installed but it actually does get installed. I wasnt sure if I was missing out on a feature included in the install, or if that was all it did.

Anyway, a few questions on the CMS. I love PyroCMS. I tried on my server and the demo to create staff, is this function not completed? it is throwing errors...

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: filename_hash

Filename: libraries/MY_Upload.php

Line Number: 319

and error with moving file to final destination.

anyway great work, this is a great start to a cms. Using it for a local poker leagues site redo. Tomorrow I plan on diving into some of the code and making a couple of custom modules. One for tracking player points in the league, and hopefully a more robust profile system to allow players to message each other (although you will probably add that with the forums, any eta on that? Smile ) and more customization to the players profiles.


I've had that error too, it is because of an old library called 'MY_Upload.php' that someone put in a long time ago.

If you delete that library all will work fine.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
I have been meaning to delete that library (along with some decent testing) for a while and today I finally got around to it.

I am happy to say the MY_Upload library has been deleted and the staff module has had several bugs fixed. Sadly I only have time to focus on the modules I have in use and it seems staff module deteriorated over the last few versions with only basic checks happening.

Take a look at the bleeding edge if you want all the new features. Page manager is still not complete so I cannot release v0.9.7 which is already 19 days behind schedule... arg!

That worked great, thanks ray. I fixed that problem, but the copy I downloaded has an incorrect path for staff images. in /application/modules/staff/views/index.php it says
<?= anchor('staff/' . $staff->slug, image('staff/' . $staff->filename, $staff->name, array('style'=>'width:15em')), array('title'=>$staff->name)); ?>

and it should say

<?= anchor('staff/' . $staff->slug, image('/assets/img/staff/' . $staff->filename, $staff->name, array('style'=>'width:15em')), array('title'=>$staff->name)); ?>

the view page is correct with actually using an image_path function.

Phil: if you need another tester, I would be glad to. I have warned a few people this is still a beta product but after showing it off, even with the possibility of errors, they love the ease of use. I am implimenting it into 3 clients sites as well as my personal site as we speak. I'd be glad to give feedback because between the 3 clients and my personal site I will be using just about every part that is available. I will also be developing some custom modules (my coding isnt amazing, and im sure people will complain about my cleanliness) but thats the great thing about open source, they can clean it up if they dont like it. But I am getting better about keeping things in with coding guidelines.

Anyway, if you need a tester let me know.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
The problem with images there is that staff name was being passed into the 2nd pamameter for some reason. This is wrong as the 2nd param should be a module name. If you pass in NULL then this works fine and you dont need to pass in /assets/img/ as thats automatically worked out for you.

It works when you add /assets/ as it realizes you are looking for a file in a full path and leaves you to it, however this is not the best method.

A fix has been pushed to GitHub along with all the other bugs you have pointed out this evening.

Anyway, you are already a tester! Just let me know when stuff doesn't work and I will fix it. Always appreciated! Big Grin

Not a problem. Thanks, Again love it. Anything special to update? or just override all files? I guess I should learn how to use git, I have a grid server that I can ssh to, so I should be able to git it. Is it possible to set up git on my current installation so I can keep with the bleeding edge? I have developed for a while, but always by myself, never messed with git or subversion. If you have a tutorial, or suggestions on how to set it up on an existing installation please let me know.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Seeing as Git only messes with the files just delete the files and run:

Quote:git init
git remote add pyrocms git://github.com/philsturgeon/pyrocms.git
git pull pyrocms master

Then just change the database config. Dont save or commit this, just use git stash before you pull new changes, then git stash apply afterwards.

thanks for the help.

ran into a problem upgrading to the new pre alpha. New install worked fine on personal site. Upgrade page shows up fine but when trying to access control panel I get...
A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1054

Unknown column 'parent_id' in 'field list'

SELECT id, slug, title, parent_id, lang, updated_on FROM (pages)

changed parent to parent_id in the table structure of pages, and all seems to work now. Were any other values changed? I ran the sql that was in the upgrade file, but that didnt fix this issue.

Quick question, how do I change the home page to be the news feed like in your blog? I tried removing home page, not possible. Tried changing homepage url to /news, got error_404, how do i do that without jumping into the code.

minor oversite, so only worth a small mention. Seems the xml file for lazydays has been played with, in the .9.7a release both templates show the same description. Nothing major, just pointing it out :-D

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