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DataMapper ORM v1.8.2

Hey man....

Is there a way to use a custom field as the ID field ?

I mean... every table that datamapper will use must have a id field, is there a way to use a field with a diferent name, like: custom_id ?

I need this because I am using a already existing database that I cannot modify its structure....

No, the use of 'id' as primary key is hardcoded in Datamapper. And in the current codebase it's virtually impossible to change that without a large rewrite of the code.

How would i run an include_related() to include a related table but still return the row if there is no relating record in the related table?

You can't. If you ask for included data, Datamapper runs an INNER JOIN, to make sure every parent has a child that can be included. There is currently no option to change that.

  * login
  * @access public
  * @param  string  $username
  * @param  string  $password
  * @return bool
public function login($username, $password)
  // Create a new temporary user object
  $user = new User();  
  if ($user->login($username, $password))
   // Prepare session data
   $userdata = array(
    'user_id' =>  $user->id,
    'username' => $user->username,
    'activated' => $user->active === 1 ? TRUE : FALSE,
    'logged_in' => TRUE
   // Set sesssion data
   $this->messages->set('success', 'login_success');
   return TRUE;
   $this->messages->set('error', 'login_failed');
   return FALSE;

   * login
   * @param  string  $username
   * @param  string  $password
   * @return bool
  function login($username, $password)
   $this->where('username', $username);
  $this->where('password', self::_encrypt($password));
  if ($this->exists())
   $this->ip_address = $this->session->userdata('ip_address');
   $this->last_login  = time();
   return TRUE;

Fatal error: Call to a member function userdata() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\codeigniter\application\models\User.php on line 68

Line 68
$this->ip_address = $this->session->userdata('ip_address');

What am I doing wrong here?

Assuming this is a Datamapper model, and not a CI model, you don't have access to the CI superobject via $this.

In Datamapper models you have to use the "library way":
$CI =& get_instance();

Hello to all,
I am just a new user of DATAMAPPER and I would like to ask you if is posibble do this code in datamapper:

$ordering = $this->db->select("article_ordering")
    ->where('id', $page_id)

  $query = $this->db->select("a.title AS articles_title, a.content AS articles_content, a.excerpt AS articles_excerpt, a.slug AS articles_slug,a.views AS articles_views, a.views AS articles_views,CONCAT(up.first_name, ' ', up.last_name) AS articles_author, DATE_FORMAT(a.created, '%T %d.%m.%Y') AS articles_created,
   (SELECT IFNULL(ROUND(AVG(av.vote),1), 0) FROM articles_votes av WHERE a.id = av.article_id) AS articles_votes,(SELECT COUNT(ac.id) FROM articles_comments ac
    WHERE a.id = ac.article_id) AS articles_totalcomments", FALSE)
    ->from('articles a')
    ->join('user_profiles up', 'a.author_id = up.user_id')
    ->where('page_id', $page_id)
    ->limit($num, $offset)

Thank you,

The first one can't, because Datamapper doesn't do rows. The get() returns an object, so you'll have to use $ordering->article_ordering to access that column value.

The second one is no problem, providing you have defined the correct relations (to create the join).

Hi there,

first of all: thanks for providing DataMapper, I really enjoy the functionality and your support.

Now I got a head-scratcher: I am currently writing an auth lib for myself and I am getting this error:

ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Call to undefined method CI_DB_mysql_driver::dm_call_method()
FCPATH/application/libraries/datamapper.php [ 1113 ]
1108       register_shutdown_function(array($CI->db, 'close'));
1109       $CI->db->_has_shutdown_hook = TRUE;
1110      }
1111      // clone, so we don't create additional connections to the DB
1112      $this->db = clone($CI->db);
1113      $this->db->dm_call_method('_reset_select');
1114     }
1115     else
1116     {
1117      // connecting to a different database, so we *must* create additional copies.
1118      // It is up to the developer to close the connection!

I searched the web and the forums and the only thing I found was: Bootstrapper not included, but it is in my index.php:
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
require_once APPPATH.'third_party/datamapper/bootstrap.php';

* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* And away we go...
require_once BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter.php';

I am not auto-loading any models.

I thought a moment if my php version does not support heredoc, but dismissed this though (running 5.3.10 on ubuntu) and still, I have no idea what the problem might be. Most of the time it plain works as it should, but right now, I am getting this error, always on the same controller function call. Disappointingly enough, I thought it was ion_auth interfering with datamapper, that's why I wrote my own auth lib working very closely with Datamapper ORM, but now that I switch from ion_auth to my library I am getting the same errors (not sure if at the same spot, it has been some time).

Any pointers? The third_party/datamapper/system/DB_driver.php is definitely loaded, since it throws errors when I change something in there.

Thanks in advance,

[quote author="WanWizard" date="1347812714"]The first one can't, because Datamapper doesn't do rows. The get() returns an object, so you'll have to use $ordering->article_ordering to access that column value.

The second one is no problem, providing you have defined the correct relations (to create the join).[/quote]Thanks... Can you give some example how to do it?

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