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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

[eluser]Yoosuf Muhammad[/eluser]
I see a problem with ion_Auth, which is mainly about session;
When I logged in, if I wanted to go for another controller, via URL, by entering in the address bar, the controller redirects to the login function

For i.e.

http://localhost/auth /login

Actually how to come out form this issue?

Hard to say. I don't know about any one else around here, but I'm not clairvoyant. I'm guessing that since I haven't had this problem (and I use Ion Auth too), that there's something not right in your controller. In other words, can you show us the code?


[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

I don't understand the question....

Hello everyone. Sorry for the simple questions. I've successfully implemented Ion Auth as a log in. Works great. Now I'm trying to add some functionality to my website. I have a model that stores personal information (limited). All I'm trying to do is add their username to the table (not through a form) for creating/editing the data. The form doesn't error but the $user['username'] comes up empty. Sorry I don't have the code (it's at work). What is the difference between passing variables with $data['username'] and $this->data['username']?


[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Just the scope of the variable. $this->data can be accessed from any class method while $data can only be accessed in the current method.

[quote author="Ben Edmunds" date="1291700333"]Todlerone,

Just the scope of the variable. $this->data can be accessed from any class method while $data can only be accessed in the current method.[/quote]

Ty again Ben. When I try to use the $this->user['username'] I get a NULL value when inserting into the model.



do you have planned to implement a user ban feature in one of the following versions?

"user active" works well, but missing some important info, when deleted or banned user try to login,
but they dont have detailed info of account status.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

I'll need to see your code.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Not really. I would add meta data for that if I was you.

Thanks for reply,

i will try to do it, like you said.

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