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The Easiest Authentication Library for CodeIgniter just got easier.

[quote author="Bj_o_rn" date="1242508904"]The user_group() function checks for a variable called group_id but it was initiated as group. I'm not sure which one of the two is wrong though but group_id made more sense since that is the name used for the field in the database.[/quote]

Thanks. After making the changes you suggested, and updating the helper file, everything works just fine now.
I looked around in the library file before, perhaps maybe there was a typo, but I didn't catch that. Good eye.

Is there anyway to adjust the logout function so that when the user has successfully logged out it doesn't still show the Dashboard / Logout links... I notice after the logout you have to refresh the page before there gone.

I'm just getting started with Ci and this library (EAL?). I'm coming from a PHPLib environment (very old school) and am struggling some to wrap my head around all there is to learn in a very short time.

My question is about installation. After reading the docs, I see that I am to a "New database" with a "user" table. If I already have a database and a user table (some of the same columns but not all), what is your recommendation? Should I in fact create a new database or should I modify my existing user table to meet the needs of EAL?

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
My guess is that you should just modify it to fit the Auth library. But of course, as long as it works it should be fine.

I have the email address in another normalized table to capture multiple email addresses. Could the user table be a view? Or how best to handle the multiple tables?

I think I have things configured correctly. I am able to register a user, but no mater what I try, username or email address it will not log me in. I keep getting

"An Error Was Encountered
The username and password did not match our records, please try again."

As I am still trying to figure out the whole MCV model, I am not sure where to look to see where it is going wrong. Please help me take baby steps... :-)

I figured out the problem. I was converting my old users table to the new structure and missed changing the password length. I has it set to 35 and it needed to be 255. So, part of the password was being truncated. I am now up and running.

Adam, it looks like a bug in line 26 of auth_helper.php. The line reads:

if($system_group === $CI->session->userdata('group'))

I believe it should be:

if($system_group === $CI->session->userdata('group_id'))

as group_id is the value stored in the session.

[eluser]Adam Griffiths[/eluser]
[quote author="North2Alaska" date="1243010937"]Adam, it looks like a bug in line 26 of auth_helper.php. The line reads:

if($system_group === $CI->session->userdata('group'))

I believe it should be:

if($system_group === $CI->session->userdata('group_id'))

as group_id is the value stored in the session.[/quote]

Thanks for letting me know. I actually fixed this a couple of days ago in the latest commit to Github.


I like the time out feature that requires you to log back in if you have been idle. When I have a view that is protected by if (logged_in(() and timed out, how do I get the login to pop up, validate my credentials and then continue with the view I had previously attempted?

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