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DMZ 1.7.1 (DataMapper OverZealous Edition)

No worries, it was just a wrap-up of your conclusion, to make sure I understood it. Wink

I figured it out.

[eluser]Lucas Alves[/eluser]

Does somebody knows the new Official Overzealous DMZ site?

http://www.overzealous.com/dmz is offline.

Does somebody assumed the project?

Maybe I'm speaking shit, I had no time to search forum about this... so, sorry if I did.


@Lucas Alves

New official website: http://datamapper.exitecms.org/

Sorry about the old one going down without much warning. I'm (finally) moving, and so my servers will been shut down for a while. (I migrated the top-level page to my SliceHost account).

I also updated the first post in this topic, and updated my signature.

[eluser]Lucas Alves[/eluser]
Thanks @OverZealous

When I finally find the time to finish testing the nested sets extension, I think it's time for a new release. I hope to do this in the next few weeks.

A new release = a new topic, so this one can be closed.

[quote author="OverZealous" date="1291683407"]@Lucas Alves

New official website: http://datamapper.exitecms.org/

could You please add some static index.html in your /dmz folder - with info that new project website is datamapper.exitecms.org ?

I don't have a DMZ folder.

If you're referring to the 'old' overzealous website, Phil is busy moving at the moment, but promised to correct this by the end of the year, when he's settled.

I'm planning on releasing 1.8.0 towards the end of the year, after which a new thread is opened and this one will be closed.

a new version is checked in on bitbucket today. You can download the latest version here.

In this version a regression bug is fixed, that caused the updated column not to be updated under certain circumstances (thanks to anaxamaxan for reporting it).

I just hit that page because I was looking for the documentation which is now on another website.
Many thanks OverZealous for your great contribution. I use DMZ on some projects and it love it.
Do you think the current doc. will be available for long term? If not could you share the zipped doc since I'll continue I guess reading it for some function I use very rarely and still need to refer to doc.

Many thanks for your job again and hope you the best for your new job.

By the way I'm also playing with Java and I discovered an awesome framework couple of month ago. You may look at that :
http://www.playframework.org/ - Java made easy and fast. Not just another framework really.

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