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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]
Thanks to harryxu we now have a fix for this without modifying the core: https://bitbucket.org/ellislab/codeignit...when-using

I just pushed this up to github, enjoy!

[eluser]Cristian Gilè[/eluser]
Hi guys,

I’m using ion auth in one of my projects and I have a doubt:

if a logged in user update his email address but he types a bad email, how can he reset a forgetten password ? Is there a method in ion auth to confirm an updated email ?

Cristian Gilè

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

No there's not. That's a tough situation because usually if you are resetting your email it's because you can't access the old email (example = changing companies)...

[eluser]Cristian Gilè[/eluser]
Is it a planned feature ?

Cristian Gilè

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

No. Feel free to code it up and send me a pull request though.

[eluser]Wayne Smallman[/eluser]
[quote author="akzidenz" date="1285857615"]Hi everyone

I was playing around with the CI2, Modular Extensions and Ion Auth
This is what I did to get it working

1. Get tip_codeigniter.zip (CI2.0)
2. Extract, make sure it is running, set config.php
3. Get Modular Extension
4. Install - Copy MY_Loader & MY_Router to core, MX to third party folder
Do not copy MY_Controller - this is for Modular Separation and not Extensions
5. Get Ion_Auth
6. Install the sql
7. Put ion_auth into a modules folder /application/modules/users
8. Add route
$route['auth/(.*)'] = 'users/auth/$1';
9. Autoload ion_auth
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database','session','users/ion_auth');
10. Edit paths
$this->ci->load->config('users/ion_auth', TRUE);

Just in case anyone was trying... Smile[/quote]Hi and thanks for the instructions.

I'm trying to coerce Ion Auth into working with Modular Extensions on CodeIgniter 2 and I simply cannot get anything working.

#7 — do you mean, just place all of the files for Ion Auth in there "flat", or in their respective folders ("config", "controllers", "models", "libraries" et cetera)?

#10 — would that be anywhere there are similar references, or just one particular file?

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

In their respective folders.

All of loading file references should be in the library.

[eluser]Wayne Smallman[/eluser]
[quote author="Ben Edmunds" date="1299011628"]Wayne,

In their respective folders.

All of loading file references should be in the library.[/quote]Hi Ben, and thanks for the reply!

I'm getting various errors, specifically:

Quote:The configuration file users/ion_auth.php does not exist.

Yet if I put the exact path in there: "users/config/..." I still get an error, which I suspect is as a result of the routing.

I get the same error for every line where I've added in "users" to the path name.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Post a screenshot of your file structure and pastie your library contructor. Also, make sure you're not autoloading anything but the library.

You can also check out PyroCMS if you want to see it in a working environment.

[eluser]Wayne Smallman[/eluser]
[quote author="Ben Edmunds" date="1299021223"]Wayne,

Post a screenshot of your file structure and pastie your library constructor. Also, make sure you're not autoloading anything but the library.

You can also check out PyroCMS if you want to see it in a working environment.[/quote]I've looked at three different applications using Modular Extensions and none of them are even remotely alike, and only one has a recognizable structure consistent with the installation instructions for Modular Extensions.

I've followed the previous instructions (the ones I quoted in my first post in this thread, to which you replied) to the letter, so that will save a screen shots and such.

What library constructor? Keep in mind that I'm trying to learn Modular Extensions, understand all of the changes in CodeIgniter 2 and make the whole thing work with Ion Auth.

For completeness, I've built up the screen shot you requested...

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