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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

So I am using your library to create a social networking type application. I want it to keep the user logged in after they create a new profile, but I can't figure out why it won't. After they create the new profile, it redirects them to the login page. I have changed the redirect, but it still doesn't work. Can you tell me how I can get it to keep the user logged in after they create the profile?

Can someone please explain the use of meta table?

Hello there,

I decided to try an implement a maximum failed login system for Ion auth (that I use on my project). Even though I am very new at php and indeed codeigniter, I thought I would share my work hoping this might help some people.

I am also posting this in the hope at you experts will find ways to improve it and make it more secure and more generic as this only works with MySQL at the moment for query optimisation motivations from my part.

Anyway, here is my code. Please dont be too harsh !

* ip_address: ip address of the person that attempted to login
* datetime: when the login attempt happened
* identity: email or username depending on ion_auth settings
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `auth_failed_login`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `auth_failed_login` (
  `ip_address` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  `identity` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

* ion_auth CONFIG FILE
//add to the tables list
$config['tables']['failed_login']    = 'auth_failed_login';
//number of failed login attempts allowed
$config['max_attempts'] = 5;
//limit the max_attempts to an amount of time
//i.e default = 5 attempts allowed within 180 seconds (5 minutes)
$config['max_within'] = 300;
//number of seconds after the last failed attempt the user
//will not be allowed to login (ban time). default = 600 seconds (10 minutes)
$config['ban_seconds'] = 600;

* ion_auth_model MODEL FUNCTIONS

* add_failed_login
* create a new failed login line on the database
* @return bool
* @author Madoc
public function add_failed_login($identity, $ipaddress)
    if (!$identity || !$ipaddress) : return false; endif;

    $this->db->set('ip_address', $ipaddress);
    $this->db->set('identity', $identity);
    $this->db->set('datetime', 'now()', false);

    return $this->db->insert($this->tables['failed_login']);

* get_count_failed_logins
* get the number of failed login attempts for a given $identity
* within the period $datefrom to ($datefrom - $period_seconds)
* @return int
* @author Madoc
public function get_count_failed_logins($identity, $datefrom, $period_seconds)

    if (!$identity) : return 0; endif;
    if (!$datefrom) : return 0; endif;
    if (!$period_seconds) : return 0; endif;
    if (!is_numeric($period_seconds)) : return 0; endif;

    $sqlquery = "select count(*) as nbattempts from " . $this->tables['failed_login'];
    $sqlquery .= " where identity = '".$identity."'";
    $sqlquery .= " and datetime between DATE_ADD('".$datefrom."', INTERVAL -".$period_seconds." SECOND) and now()";

    $result = $this->db->query($sqlquery);

    if ($result)
        $row = $result->row_array();
        return (int)$row['nbattempts'];
        return 0;


* get_last_attempt
* returns the timestamp of the last failed attempt for $identity
* and time difference in seconds between the last failed login attempt
* for $identity and NOW()
* @author Madoc
public function get_last_attempt($identity)
    if (!$identity) : return false; endif;

    $this->db->select('datetime, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), datetime)) as timediff',false);
    $this->db->where('identity', $identity);

    $result = $this->db->get($this->tables['failed_login']);

    if ($result->num_rows > 0)
        $row = $result->row_array();
        return $row;
        return false;


* is_user_banned
* returns true if the identity is banned, false otherwise.
* identity banned = the identity was used more than the
* maximum number of attempts within the maximum allowed failed time
* and for which the last failed login attempt timestamp is
* within the banned period (or the max_within if bigger)
* @return bool
* @author Madoc
public function is_user_banned($identity)
    if (!$identity) : return false; endif;

    $max_attempts = $this->ci->config->item('max_attempts', 'ion_auth');
    $ban_seconds = $this->ci->config->item('ban_seconds', 'ion_auth');
    $max_within = $this->ci->config->item('max_within', 'ion_auth');

    //get the last attempt
    $last_attempt_array = $this->ci->ion_auth_model->get_last_attempt($identity);
    if ($last_attempt_array)
        //time difference between now and the last failed attempt
        $timediff = $last_attempt_array['timediff'];
        //datetime of the last failed attempt
        $last_attempt = $last_attempt_array['datetime'];
        //number of failed attempts between the last failed attempt and the max_within
        $count_failed_logins = $this->ci->ion_auth_model->get_count_failed_logins($identity, $last_attempt, $max_within);

        //not banned if the maximum number of attempts is not reached
        if ($count_failed_logins >= $max_attempts)
            //at this point, end of ban = end of ban period
            //or end of max_minthin if it is longer

            if ($max_within > $ban_seconds) : $max_time = $max_within; else: $max_time = $ban_seconds; endif;

            if ($timediff < $max_time)
                return true;
                return false;
            return false;
        //no time difference means no record for this attempt
        return false;

The is_user_banned function is used on my controller prior the login and if the login fails. The table is populated with a new line if the login fails and the user is not banned yet.

PS: Should I post that somewhere else ?

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

That is done for CI 1.x compatibility. That will work with CI1 or CI2 so there is no need to change it.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

The meta table holds the non-essential user data, aka profile data.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

You'll need to post your controller code.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

From a quick glance that code looks pretty good. Here's a little constructive criticism:

I really hate when people use php alt syntax outside of a view, I would recommend changing that for uniformity.

Also, some of your logic could be simplified, for example the is_user_banned() method should return FALSE by default and then the only additional return statements you need are when you're returning TRUE.

If I was using this I would integrate it into the login() method as well so your controller code doesn't change.

I'm rebuilding a entire system which have a DB with a lot of data (I'm talking a DB with 900 MB or even more). This DB has a table called "usuario" where user credentials are stored. Can I use or extend Ion to work with this scene?

Cheers and thanks in advance

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Your best bet is probably to add all the additional fields you need to the meta table and then write a script to port the data over. The only real issue will be the password encryption.

Well I use my own encryption method for all the data because it's very sensitive so maybe I need to change something in Ion for get it working. Where I can find any doc for developers or something like that to start studying?

Cheers and thanks

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