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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

Well, yea obviously an example, but I was just curious if I might've accidentally removed it or something of the like.

edited -problem solved-

Hey, been looking through the documentation and I couldn't find any instructions on the correct/recommended way to extend the meta data. I'd like to add some extra bits of data to the meta table but I'm not sure how to go about it in the cleanest way.

I'm beginning to think that if I add the fields to the database then they will just automatically be incorporated into the returned information for functions that return user details - is that correct? If so, awesome.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Add the fields in the meta table and then add it to the meta fields array in the config file.

Ahh, too easy - thanks Ben for the quick response.

(Loving Ion_Auth by the way)


i want to use the email activation but the emails are always sent to junk email folders...

do you know the reason for this?

Thanks for your help


[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Sending from a different domain can cause that among countless other reasons. I usually use gmail smtp to avoid this issue.

[quote author="Ben Edmunds" date="1297410357"]Basketcasesoftware,

How do you want to integrate it?

The tables should work fine with DataMapper's expected schemas so if you want to use DM just create the models.[/quote]

Could you elaborate on this a bit? When you say just create the models do you mean we would have to rewrite all the methods in the ion_auth model as methods in the datamapper model?

Hi!, I hope you understand me, because my english is not good.
I like Ion Auth, but I have a problem and I could not solve.
This is the problem.
In have two kinds of user with access to different options in the application:
The operators of the application.
They add information to the database(crating groups, adding users, etc) and are grouped into three categories with fifferent privilegies.

The users of the applications.
They are the final user and are gruped into five categories with differet level of access.

The question is.
How can I adapt Ion Auth to this case, if the operatos needs differen meta data than the users?

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Add meta data fields for everyone and add as needed per group.

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