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Form Generation Library


Normally, we set the default upload path for the Form Generator Library in the form.php config folder. In my controller, I want some methodss to upload images to different folder depending on the method.

I want admin/products to upload images to assets/products
I want admin/categories to upload images to assets/categories
I want admin/brands to upload images to assets/brands

What I am looking for is a way to change the file upload path as the case may be in the method.

I don't think FGL allows one to set config on the fly. I then decided to try changing the way the config array is defined, it still didn't work.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Since are using form generator library to upload, I don't think one has access to file uploading library and cannot really use or chain ->upload(var, label, config)

@happydude: Just upload the file into your /tmp/ folder. Then in the model, you move the file the way you want it. For example:
/* Controller */
$mymethod = $this->uri->segment(2);
$mymodel = $mymethod.'_m';
           ->upload('userfile', 'Please upload something', 'upload_path=/tmp/,allowed_types=png|jpg|gif,max_filesize=4000')
           ->model($mymodel, 'handleupload')
           ->onsuccess('redirect', $this->uri->uri_string());
Then write 3 function handleupload for 3 model file. Or you can add extra parameters after the model() methods like this:
/* Controller */
    ->model('upload_handle', 'image_upload', array('destination' => '/var/www/devel/assets/images/'))
/* Model : upload_handle.php */
function image_upload(&$form, $data)
     $destination_folder = $data['destination'];
     $destination_file = $destination_folder.'/'.$data['upload']['file_name'];
     $source_file = $data['upload']['full_path'];
     rename($source_file, $destination_file);
And that's all.

Why not just set a temp location, and once uploaded move it to the correct location then?

[quote author="happydude" date="1261042603"]@hugle
Normally, we set the default upload path for the Form Generator Library in the form.php config folder. In my controller, I want some methodss to upload images to different folder depending on the method.

I want admin/products to upload images to assets/products
I want admin/categories to upload images to assets/categories
I want admin/brands to upload images to assets/brands

What I am looking for is a way to change the file upload path as the case may be in the method.[/quote]

This really isn't rocket science ;-) and by the way is clearly documented in the user guide.

I just ran a quick test with the latest pre-release version of the library and have successfully managed to upload two files from two different upload elements within the same form (!) into different folders. All I did was:

->upload('file1', 'Upload File', '', 'upload_path=uploads')
->upload('file2', 'Upload Other File', '', 'upload_path=other_dir')

Funny, I never noticed this previously in the userguide.

Actually, after going through the userguide and mapping stuff into my head, I now rely more on the reference guide which doesn't have config in its syntax.

Thanks for the heads up though.

I've got another problem though. Is there any other way I can access the parameters from the image uploaded asides using the $_FILES array?

This is because spaces are automatically removed from the file uploaded $_FILES['userfile']['name'] still leaves spaces in the name which I'll store in the db and will need to call the stored image later.

[quote author="happydude" date="1261105568"]
I've got another problem though. Is there any other way I can access the parameters from the image uploaded asides using the $_FILES array?[/quote]

$this->form->upload('file_upload', 'Upload File');

You can access the data either in the model:

function do_db_stuff(&$form, $data)

or after $this->form->validate()

if ($this->form->valid)
   $post_data = $this->form->get_post();


go through this link

[quote author="macigniter" date="1261106016"][quote author="happydude" date="1261105568"]
I've got another problem though. Is there any other way I can access the parameters from the image uploaded asides using the $_FILES array?[/quote]

$this->form->upload('file_upload', 'Upload File');

You can access the data either in the model:

function do_db_stuff(&$form, $data)

or after $this->form->validate()

if ($this->form->valid)
   $post_data = $this->form->get_post();


print_r($post_data['file_upload']) is displaying blank.... Nothing whatsoever on my side.

When I did this in my model,
function do_db_stuff(&$form, $data)

I got this:
A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: userfile

Filename: models/product_model.php

Line Number: 12

I'm pretty confused now.

All the while, the images get uploaded, its the parameters that are not returned and I need to store them in the database (They only show up when I use $_FILES but the name is different from that of the file uploaded).

[quote author="happydude" date="1261168946"]

I'm pretty confused now.

All the while, the images get uploaded, its the parameters that are not returned and I need to store them in the database (They only show up when I use $_FILES but the name is different from that of the file uploaded).[/quote]

Which version of the library are you using?

Please post your controller and model...

I'm using the latest version you provided. 0.2.2 Pre-release

Part of the controller that handles the form and image upload is posted below. Please note that I loaded my model in the constructor like this - $this->load->model('product_model', 'product');

function add()
        $this->data['title'] = 'Add Product';
        $this->data['add_type'] = 'Product';
        $categories     = $this->admin->prep_for_select('categories');
        $brands            = $this->admin->prep_for_select('brands');
        $sort            = array (1=>1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
                ->text('name', 'Product Name', 'trim|required|max_length[255]|xss_clean')
                ->text('reference', 'Product Reference', 'trim|required|numeric|xss_clean')
                ->text('quantity', 'Quantity', 'trim|numeric|xss_clean')
                ->iupload('userfile', 'Product Image')->br()
                ->select('category', $categories, 'Category', '', 'trim|required|xss_clean|callback__check_cat')->nobr()
                ->html('   '.a('admin/addcategory', 'Add a new Category'))->br()
                ->select('brand', $brands, 'Brand', '', 'trim|required|xss_clean|callback__check_brand')->nobr()
                ->html('   '.a('admin/addbrand', 'Add a new Brand'))->br()
                ->textarea('description', 'Description', 'trim|xss_clean')->br()
                ->checkbox('featured', '1','  Feature on Home Page?', FALSE, 'trim|xss_clean')->br()->br()
                ->select('sort', $sort, 'Sort Order', '5', 'trim|xss_clean')
                ->span('e.g. A product with a Sort Order of 3 will be placed higher than one with a sort order of 4 in any listing. It also affects the arrangement of featured products in the sidebar.')->br()->br()
                ->submit('Add Product', 'submit_product')->reset('Clear')
        if ($this->form->valid) {    
            $input = $this->form->get_post();
            $added_by = $modified_by = getField('username');
            $date_added = $date_modified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            $params = array ( //prep and typecast the data.
                                 'reference_id'     => (int) $input['reference'],
                                 'name'            => (string) $input['name'],
                                 'category_id'    => (int) $input['category'],
                                 'brand_id'        => (int) $input['brand'],
                                 'description'    => (string) $input['description'],
                                 'quantity'        => (int) $input['quantity'],
                                 'featured'        => (int) $input['featured'],
                                 'image'            => (string)$input['userfile']['name'],
                                 'sort'            => (int) $input['sort'],
                                 'added_by'        => $added_by,
                                 'date_added'    => $date_added,
                                 'modified_by'    => $modified_by,
                                 'date_modified'    => $date_modified,                            
            $result = $this->admin->save_product($params);
            if ($result) {
                $this->data['message'] = '<p class="success">Your product has been successfully added. You can add another product below, or '.a('products/'.slug($input['name']).'/'.$result, 'View your recently added product', 'target="_blank"').'.</p>';
            } else {
                $this->data['message'] = '<p class="error">There was a problem adding your product. Please try again later.';
        $this->data['form'] = $this->form->get();
        $this->data['errors'] = $this->form->errors;        

The model is really not necessary as I use if($this->form->valid) and I do some processing on the data before saving it in the database as you can see in the controller below.

But in order to test the code you provided previously, I commented out the if($this->form->valid) block, changed ->validate(); to model('product_model', 'add') and quickly created the model below. Of course, it gave me the error I posted earlier.

function add(&$form, $data)

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