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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="2think" date="1242704565"]Phil, great work. Really like your CMS. However, quick amateur question - in your INSTALL file instructions, you suggest quite a few directories as chmod 777, is that a problem? What I mean is, can that be a security risk?

Hope this isn't meant to sound critical, as I said, like the CMS but do want to know after one of my WordPress sites was hacked last month.

Thanks for the project[/quote]

A CHMOD value of 777 is safe, a regular user won't be able to change your server whatever the CHMOD values. However, if somebody manages to exploit a security leak it may become an issue. 775 should be fine in most cases, unless specified otherwise (it also depends on your server configuration).

@ Phil

Haha ok, well, so far I like GitX. Still have to get used to the whole Git scene though Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Wow branch control in that thing is immense! Anyhow, better stick to command line as its the only access I have a bunch of the time. Fixed a few tiny bugs at work today by SSHing to http://dev.pyrocms.com and vim / git commit.


TinyMCE is testing and nearly working perfectly. It is handling HTML elements intended as text very strange, which sadly involves most of my blog articles. If any of you have bugs or feedback get them in soon as I will be releasing v0.9.5 tomorrow I expect. This is a BIG release, and hopefully the last before v1.0.


Sorry, I originally posted this as a new thread, but have reposted here to talk to the pyro gurus...

I’ve waiting to try pyrocms and finally downloaded and installed on my localhost. Created the database and set the database. Have got this so far (I use uniserver).


I can get to the home page by going to localhost/public_html

but when I enter the login details I get:

The requested URL /public_html/users/login.html was not found on this server.

I cant seem to get any further. Any suggestions as to what is wrong with my configuration?

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="boony" date="1243074826"]Hi,

Sorry, I originally posted this as a new thread, but have reposted here to talk to the pyro gurus...

I’ve waiting to try pyrocms and finally downloaded and installed on my localhost. Created the database and set the database. Have got this so far (I use uniserver).


I can get to the home page by going to localhost/public_html

but when I enter the login details I get:

The requested URL /public_html/users/login.html was not found on this server.

I cant seem to get any further. Any suggestions as to what is wrong with my configuration?[/quote]

You have to put all the contents that come with the download into the public_html folder, it seems that you put that folder inside the pyrocms folder.

It should be a bit like the following: http://i43.tinypic.com/2rhbspu.png

[quote author="Yorick Peterse" date="1243097903"]

You have to put all the contents that come with the download into the public_html folder, it seems that you put that folder inside the pyrocms folder.

It should be a bit like the following: http://i43.tinypic.com/2rhbspu.png[/quote]

Nope, I think I've tried every possible combination of setup. I put pyrocms in the root folder, got home page but then when I try to login using demo@example I get an error saying users/login.html can't be found on the server. I created a folder public_html and placed pyrocms in there, same error.

This was useing uniserver on the localhost. I then switched to xampp and tried the same setups still was not getting past home page.

First question, does pyrocms work on a localhost environment? If so what is the actual directory setup?
Second question, what is the default controller supposed to be?

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="boony" date="1243139913"][quote author="Yorick Peterse" date="1243097903"]

You have to put all the contents that come with the download into the public_html folder, it seems that you put that folder inside the pyrocms folder.

It should be a bit like the following: http://i43.tinypic.com/2rhbspu.png[/quote]

Nope, I think I've tried every possible combination of setup. I put pyrocms in the root folder, got home page but then when I try to login using demo@example I get an error saying users/login.html can't be found on the server. I created a folder public_html and placed pyrocms in there, same error.

This was useing uniserver on the localhost. I then switched to xampp and tried the same setups still was not getting past home page.

First question, does pyrocms work on a localhost environment? If so what is the actual directory setup?
Second question, what is the default controller supposed to be?[/quote]

PyroCMS does work on a local environment. Did you change the config.php file to match your folder's location ?

[quote author="boony" date="1243074826"]Hi,

Sorry, I originally posted this as a new thread, but have reposted here to talk to the pyro gurus...

I’ve waiting to try pyrocms and finally downloaded and installed on my localhost. Created the database and set the database. Have got this so far (I use uniserver).


I can get to the home page by going to localhost/public_html

but when I enter the login details I get:

The requested URL /public_html/users/login.html was not found on this server.

I cant seem to get any further. Any suggestions as to what is wrong with my configuration?[/quote]
same problem.
I fix it by adding a routes into routes.php in users module.
I think problem in htaccess. System bad detect a module controller\method

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="JiLiZART" date="1243262117"][quote author="boony" date="1243074826"]Hi,

Sorry, I originally posted this as a new thread, but have reposted here to talk to the pyro gurus...

I’ve waiting to try pyrocms and finally downloaded and installed on my localhost. Created the database and set the database. Have got this so far (I use uniserver).


I can get to the home page by going to localhost/public_html

but when I enter the login details I get:

The requested URL /public_html/users/login.html was not found on this server.

I cant seem to get any further. Any suggestions as to what is wrong with my configuration?[/quote]
same problem.
I fix it by adding a routes into routes.php in users module.
I think problem in htaccess. System bad detect a module controller\method[/quote]

Could you paste both your config file, htaccess file and the URL to your PyroCMS installation.

[quote author="Yorick Peterse" date="1243279566"]
Could you paste both your config file, htaccess file and the URL to your PyroCMS installation.[/quote]
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine on

    RewriteRule modules/(.+)/controllers/(.+)\.php?$ /index.php?/$1/$2 [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule controllers/(.+)\.php?$ /index.php?/$1 [L,R=301]

    #RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
    #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L,QSA]
route.php in users module
$route['users/activate/:any/:any'] = "users/activate/$1/$2";
$route['logout'] = "users/logout";
$route['login'] = "users/login";

$route['register'] = "users/register";
$route['my-profile'] = "users/profile/index";
$route['edit-profile'] = "users/profile/edit";
$route['edit-settings'] = "users/user_settings/edit";
PyroCMS link - HERE

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
Please also post your config.php file.

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