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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Right! Turv all of your original suggestions have been implemented along with a crapload of other bug-fixes.

v0.9.6.2 will be released later on tonight if I can't find any more bugs in the mean-time. So far in the bleeding edge we have fixed:

- Permissions rule adding
- core_modules asset loading
- Theme uploading
- Styles in TinyMCE match standard PyroCMS styles
- TinyMCE load-time reduction
- Multi-lingual TinyMCE

A few other things I'm sure.

That's brilliant Phil, I've been busy the past week on other projects so have not had a chance to work on this since.

As i have made many changes to my own installation, i can't just copy / paste the files over. Is there anything on Github that will give me a list of what code changes have been made so i can manually update my copy?

Thanks again

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
You can see whats going on on the GitHub commits page but thats the best I can do.

Quite a bit changes each time. It might be worth getting your copy into version control and seeing if you can re-do the changes. Get a file comparison tool...? Not sure what is out there other than the Mac FileMerge.

Anyhow, v0.9.6.2 is out now! :-)

Download v0.9.6.2 from GitHub

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong,

downloaded the latest version and installed on WAMP on an XP system.

Both Chrome & Firefox 3 have an issue with not being able to login to the admin.

Try to login with the default example and it returns to the login screen.

Any ideas? Kinda late to start diving in.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Do you get any error messages or does it just send you back?

Also, have you had a version working before or is this your first install?

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Next big thing I work on is going to have to be forums. I would rather not, but it will be good to have a forum system on pyrocms.com.

It's not going to be an epic phpBB/IPB replacement, but it will do the trick. I already have much of the code available from an old social-networking site I knocked together for a client. The site never went live so the code is all mine, mwahahaha.

first time installing on this machine, have set it up on my laptop running Ubuntu no problems

not getting any kind of error, just a loop back

[quote author="amites" date="1250310630"]first time installing on this machine, have set it up on my laptop running Ubuntu no problems

not getting any kind of error, just a loop back[/quote]

I've been having this problem for ages. I have tried to get PyroCMS to work on a localhost and an external server and have uninstalled and reinstalled 4 or 5 times. I've stepped through the install instructions and fine checked all settings and all I ever get is the loop back to the original page.

I really need a CI CMS to plug into a project I am working on but have put it on the back burner for now. If someone can solve this loop back it would be great.

If it is using WAMP Server, check to make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled, by default it isn't, you may also need to edit the CI config file to put 'index.php' into there.

I am using WAMP on my desktop, mod_rewrite is enabled.

One other note is that the main page is unable to load the language file for newsletter, which doesn't appear to be within the source for the rest of the release.

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