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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

Also new suggestions/questions
1) Why is the site facebook oriented? For example facebook connect is in the header, the signup and in the login page.
2) If you signup the traditional way then link accounts how do you pull data from the linked accounts into your A3M profile?

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
[quote author="ShannenName" date="1270823695"]1) Yes
2) Can you please provide an example or scenario of usage as I don't really understand what you mean.
3) Have you seen my reply to the facebook connect problem?[/quote]

1) What if you step away from your com and ur friend pranked you by deleting your account? or you delete it by mistake cuz u were drunk? there is 100% no way to revert it. that's imo also bad usability. everything should be reversible... that's a 'rule' of good software design. allow users to screw up cuz they WILL screw up. give them some way to recover.

2) It's like normal "Access control list". only that it will be integrated fully with a3m making it easy for the developer. that's all i can say for now. cuz i have not yet designed it.

3) thanks for reminding me. i will answer them on google code.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
[quote author="ShannenName" date="1270823907"]Also new suggestions/questions
1) Why is the site facebook oriented? For example facebook connect is in the header, the signup and in the login page.
2) If you signup the traditional way then link accounts how do you pull data from the linked accounts into your A3M profile?[/quote]

1) It's currently fb skewed cuz fb connect allows for the tightest integration and provides the best amount of user content/details (like it or not... it does). So facebook is generally the preferred way to go across the web... esp for non techies like us. However that might chance in time to come when the "OpenStack" steps up it's game but till then facebook is ahead and better for the average joe.

2) Yep it's suppose to do that. but i thb it's not doing that cuz i'm lazy :p aka i'm not yet done it.

Quote:1) What if you step away from your com and ur friend pranked you by deleting your account? or you delete it by mistake cuz u were drunk? there is 100% no way to revert it. that's imo also bad usability. everything should be reversible... that's a 'rule' of good software design. allow users to screw up cuz they WILL screw up. give them some way to recover.

It would take a few minutes to get your account to the way it was.

Hi PK,

Quick Question: Do you think its OK to start using this for a project, If so, How would I go about Upgrading it (for when the ACL featured version comes)? Do I just copy over the application folder, WITHOUT replacing files, idk. Or should I just wait till a stable release with the ACL feature in it?


This looks really good. Thanks for creating it.

I'll probably use it on a new site my business is creating that needs to let people login via Twitter, Facebook, and directly via a form, where all the accounts need get be linked up, and where we need to post to the Twitter feed and Facebook wall.

How ready do you think this is to use in a real world app?


Question: My site is going to have a lot of stuff in the account details, and I think I am going to store them in something more flexible like MongoDB so I don't have to create loads of columns full of serialized data storing people's profile fields.

So, if I swap out the account details model with something else, edit the account settings and account profile views and their corresponding controllers, is that going to break anything? Or what other changes would I have to make?

Having the account details be flexible and modular, separate from the rest of the module, would be a good idea because it'll vary based on different use cases, and when you update the module you don't want to destroy your changes.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
[quote author="sirwan.me" date="1270885302"]Hi PK,

Quick Question: Do you think its OK to start using this for a project, If so, How would I go about Upgrading it (for when the ACL featured version comes)? Do I just copy over the application folder, WITHOUT replacing files, idk. Or should I just wait till a stable release with the ACL feature in it?


good question sriwan. so far would not have recommended using this for a real project as it is still work in progress and backwards compatibility isn't a consideration. However i do think we have come to a point where the codes are stabilizing. give me next week to check the codes/structure one last time and release a true stable version for use it real projects. i will then support backwards compatibility for that package. e.g. if u use that package and i "upgrade" it will just be about "adding xyz files to a3m to upgrade.".

I don't think the sign_in and sign_up will change drastically from this point. so you are free to hack it to fit your needs. whatever is there should just serve as a base.

when acl comes into the picture it should just be an additional library file! which you put inside the a3m module.

wait for next week!

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
[quote author="lsemel" date="1270900387"]
How ready do you think this is to use in a real world app?

Lee, see my reply above to sriwan.

In face me myself need it to be ready for a real world app.
because i am integrating it with one that will be pushed out within the next 2 months!!

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
[quote author="lsemel" date="1270901441"]Question: My site is going to have a lot of stuff in the account details, and I think I am going to store them in something more flexible like MongoDB so I don't have to create loads of columns full of serialized data storing people's profile fields.

So, if I swap out the account details model with something else, edit the account settings and account profile views and their corresponding controllers, is that going to break anything? Or what other changes would I have to make?

Having the account details be flexible and modular, separate from the rest of the module, would be a good idea because it'll vary based on different use cases, and when you update the module you don't want to destroy your changes.[/quote]

Nope that should NOT break anything! erm... i have no experience in mongodb (tho i would love to go into that very soon)... but changing db should break a3m. That's the whole point why i kept the models so light weight... as long as their doing what their suppose to do everything should work. discuss with me how you're going to integrate mongodb maybe... then i'll be able to give you an idea what to look out for.

yep exactly account details model is meant to be customized according to specific needs.
that why i separated it out into a table, model, and two views... one for public details and one for private details. hack to your own needs was my idea... or should i have architectures it in some other way?

How should i have done it so that when people upgrade a3m their changes are not destroyed? cuz a3m itself is so... it's not a framework... it's a implementation. but ok let me think about it. give me any suggestions pls.

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