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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1273675348"]maybe it needs to be http://www.boan-stuff.com/a3m/account/si...er/verify/
with the trailing /[/quote]
Thx for your replay again.
sign_in_twitter = controller
verify = function
with the trailing = should be? is it could be an id?

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
as in you callback should be




that could cause problems
im just guessing

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1273676983"]as in you callback should be




that could cause problems
im just guessing[/quote]
ohhhh....i see!!!
but it still got me 404 Page Not Found ~_~"
is it different the process for authentication in facebook.
because in facebook redirect link:http://www.boan-stuff.com/a3m/account/sign_in_facebook

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1273676983"]as in you callback should be




that could cause problems
im just guessing[/quote]
Hi peng....case close! ^^
i see this forum in page 5 and 7 they have the same problem like me.
thx for your attention.

[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1273650153"]somewhat Smile i'm still here.[/quote]

when can we expect the next release? and what can we expect in the next release?

Also, I wanted to ask you if it is possible for the rest of the application to use the wrapper classes that you have for FB, Twitter etc to access their api?

that is if the user has linked fb and twitter with my site, can i write code that (after they login) goes to fb and publishes news story or pulls in all their friends? how can I do this on twitter?

thanks for the help and great work!

Sorry to spam this thread but I was looking at the new Twitter @Anywhere api.. http://dev.twitter.com/

any chance of replacing the existing method with this new way? it seems much better

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[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
yeah i noe about that. let me remove the demo site.

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1274266745"]yeah i noe about that. let me remove the demo site.[/quote]
hai peng.......
i wanna ask about config:
why u make it like this
$config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;

is there some rpc in A3M?
coz i want make my
$config['enable_query_strings'] = FALSE;
and then The URI you submitted has disallowed characters. URI.php line 193.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
query strings true is needed in order to do openid and oauth "handshake".
you must also set $config['uri_protocol'] = "PATH_INFO";

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