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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

[eluser]Hermes Alves[/eluser]

Congratulations on an excellent initiative Peng, this very interesting work. But I'm with these problems:

This site is not working, I can not see the demo http://it.euphoriatwentythree.com/projects/a3m/

You need a hosting provider? Can I get free for you, contact me directly.

The other problem is I need a guide with instructions on how to put into operation, is there a HOW TO INSTALL?

Kind regards,

Hermes Alves
Country Brazil

I have wrote a half written tutorial here: http://sirwan.me/web-design-and-developm...lling-a3m/

on how to install it if anyones interested.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
[quote author="Anraiki" date="1285079576"]Hi Peng, I need some clarification on installing this module.

I am quite new to Codeigniter and I am making my first project to have a User Authentication System, and hence you already have one built, I thought I can save some time just by installing yours.

My problem is installing it.

I have uploaded a clean CI to the server, and I am wondering where do I put the contents of the a3m folder, and I believe it is the root directory?

What do I do after that?

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I seem to find my way through. All I did was navigated to the folder and it seems to be working :]

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It seems I can't navigate to the Sign-In or Sign Up or Facebook Connect Pages.

I have Path Info enabled as well. Any other additional configuration should I make?

You may ignore what I said. Unless you have further tips and tricks for me that I should consider.[/quote]

download a3m. and upload it. it's a whole package with CI already.
simply change your htaccess, config and database files.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
sirwan thanks for the installation guide!

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
ok let's talk about the package file structure today.

in root folder

/css - put css style sheets .css
/img - put your images .jpg, .gif, etc
/js - put your javascripts .js
/uploads - user uploaded files (profile pic, etc)
/system - CORE FILES - DO NOT TOUCH - let CI/ellislab/opensourcecommunity maintain this
/system/cache - has 3 folders to cache the stuff openid needs
/system/logs - you can clear your cache here
/system/application - all our stuff goes here
/system/application/views - im not really using these as i've used HMVC by wiredesignz therefore a3m is located at
Controller, Modules and MY_Router is necessary for HMVC to work
MY_Session is a modification i made to allow us to do "remmeber me" and KeepAllSessionFlashData.

/system/application/module/account <-- this is where all the a3m files are kept.
account/controller <-- the naming should be obvious. Each controller should roughly map to one page which the user sees taking care of requests to that page
account/helper <-- ssl_helper is something i created to help us create https a3m systems
account/language <-- all text in views come from language files the naming should be obvious which views use which language files.
account/models <-- models -.- don't need i think explain that
account/library <-- things which you should load from your main application.
a3m should remain in the hmvc module folder... you should code your main application in the /application folder. you should called the a3m libraries by doing a $this->load->library('account/authentication'); look at the /application/controller/home.php file and see how i loaded the a3m authentication and user library
account/plugins <-- external libraries are stored in the 'library' folder in the plugins folder. plugins are used to load the external libraries. DO NOT hack external libraries let their respective open source community manage them. if you hack it report to the respective community so it gets updated in the next version and you can replace the whole library.
account/views <-- your xhtml + css. follows yahoo best practice. css loaded in header. js loaded at the end of body tag. using gs960 grid (which you of cuz can throw away) and use something else.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
so example you want to replace twitter's package. all you need to do is go to the account/plugin/library folder... delete "jmathai-twitter-async". modify the "twitter_pi.php" in account/plugin folder.

juz simply do a search with dreamweaver for "$this->load->plugin('twitter');" (in a3m i NEVER autoload anything to peek performace. everything is always loaded only when it's needed)

you'll see that controller/sign_in_twitter and controller/account_linked both loads the plugin.
juz study those two files and change to the new codes. everything is well commented so you shouldn't be lost.

and nothing else will break cuz it's loosely coupled.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
ok another example. add check current password before letting user change password.

open account_password.php add in one more input file, call it "password_current_password"
look for the controller, it's the same name (duh), "account_password.php".
add in the validation rules, in the run() simply check before updating! use the authentication library's check_password() function. if fail remember to set the flashdata password_error to inform the user. note you can either do _info or _error depending on whether it's a success or failure. in the css _info is in green. _error is in red.

simple right?

[eluser]Hermes Alves[/eluser]
Thanks 4 this "how to install"!

Peng a suggestion: You could add the download package readme A3M a link to this tutorial for installation.


Hermes Alves

If you have any questions on the installation, than ask them on this article, Lets keep this Forum thread about the Development of A3M rather than just minor support questions.


[eluser]Hermes Alves[/eluser]
I've seen the link and the tutorial was too much. Only suggest that added the link in the readme project hosted on google.

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