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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

Tested on Ubuntu last night. All seemed fine.
Haven't checked Facebook connect though.

Thanks for the guide! Helped a lot.

Hi, even though it's not a big deal, just wanted to mention that in the view account/account_profile on LN: 71, the php short tag was used instead of "echo...", which prevents the account picture upload from displaying correctly, if short tags are not enabled.

Another thing I came across during testing on my local machine is that when turning off reCaptcha in the config and then clicking the "lost password" link, I just get a blank screen with the following:

To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from http://recaptcha.net/api/getkey


Here's another (weird) thing: I can sign in (with google) with ssl on or off. In case when it's a new account I just need to set the username and everything works fine. But once I sign in with the same account (SSL was enabled on first signin), now when SSL is disabled I have to create another username. Turning on SSL again, I can login as normal without specifying a username? Can somebody explain that to me? I am using XAMP (appachefriends) on WinXP if that helps.

OK, that's the last one for today :-)

The main views reference the wrong jquery version. Instead of 1.4.1 should be 1.4.2 in "home" (LN: 29) and "home_signed_in" (LN: 43)

dear all, everything work on linux-fedora! cool!
so the problem is on xp and wampserver.. mm.. I'll come back later..

@Velandor: yes, I'm notice that also..
@jakub: thanks for guide too.. really helpful..

Uhmm i dont know why the twitte api gives an error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init() in C:\xampp\htdocs\a3m\system\application\modules\account\plugins\libraries\jmathai-twitter-async\EpiCurl.php on line 24"Please some one help

Thanks for the errors noted, would never spot them myself! Maybe you should submit a patch to the project's Google code site.

Posted the issues to the projects home.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
yea guys post all the problem issues bugs into the google code.
i will be svn-ing out the code tmr to my dev environment and fixing all the stuff.

time to revive this project Smile

good projects shouldn't die just because one person ignores it.
i've given ownership access to jukab on google code so he can add anyone and change anything as he sees fit.
i will get a new domain and host a decent demo.
and i will go thru all the stable code again and do a full proper documentation
for programmers. anyone with open source project experience and willing to assist please contact me as you all can see i suck at running an open source project.


[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
my documentation will concentrate on how developers working on a3m should go about changing stuff and how everything is highly modular and changing one part shouldn't affect any other part.

Hi Jakub and anyone interested in this project, can we do afew things please.
1) Find out who is interested and add them to google code?
2) Put on google code if interested in contributing contact [email protected] or jakub
3) Document everything onb google code. Consolidate all the documentation floating around.
I also noticed alot of documentation are outdated or incorrect. so we should have an official set of documentation on google code.

[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1292690603"]my documentation will concentrate on how developers working on a3m should go about changing stuff and how everything is highly modular and changing one part shouldn't affect any other part.

Hi Jakub and anyone interested in this project, can we do afew things please.
1) Find out who is interested and add them to google code?
2) Put on google code if interested in contributing contact [email protected] or jakub
3) Document everything onb google code. Consolidate all the documentation floating around.
I also noticed alot of documentation are outdated or incorrect. so we should have an official set of documentation on google code.[/quote]

Definitely excited about you bringing it to life and revving up user documentation! Will be following this!

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