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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

My Facebook authentication also goes into an infinite loop.
I tried all uri_protocols in the config file without any success.

Edit: Using CI2.

You are mentioning in the original docs that it should be fairly easy to rewrite the library to be completely segment based. Could you offer us some hints on where to look or where to start? Because I have a hunch that that's the root of the problem.

[quote author="Kitsched" date="1298029488"]You are mentioning in the original docs that it should be fairly easy to rewrite the library to be completely segment based. Could you offer us some hints on where to look or where to start? Because I have a hunch that that's the root of the problem.[/quote]

You are right, that is the problem. I have isolated the issues and I am attempting to re-write A3M to accommodate the segment based problem.

Right now they(Facebook, Twitter and etc.) all redirect back to a querystring(ie. example.com/index.php/?oauthtoken=2341515lk135jlk135&oauthverifier=234lkj23lkj4l23k5)
To get it working I had to add a redirect in my public index.php.

if($_GET['oauth_token'] != ''){
   $token = $_GET['oauth_token'];
   $verifier = $_GET['oauth_verifier'];
   header("Location: http://www.example.com/connect_twitter/index/$token/$verifier");

I know you can add CI hooks instead of hacking the index.php but I haven't had the time to play with that yet.

I am on such a time crunch that I don't know if I can get this re-written any time soon. But as I have spent so much time on fixing it I think I have the most experience with any of the problems apart from Peng Kong, which means I should probably find time to re-write it.

Is this something people would be interested in?

I'll give this a try as soon as I get home.
But I'd be very interested in a "cleaner" solution.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
[quote author="Kitsched" date="1298029488"]You are mentioning in the original docs that it should be fairly easy to rewrite the library to be completely segment based. Could you offer us some hints on where to look or where to start? Because I have a hunch that that's the root of the problem.[/quote]

i'm not sure where you read that. i only remember saying that it CANNOT be segment based. because twitter, facebook, openid all do not support segment based~~! they return you tokens as GET params.

OK, I might have remembered incorrectly.
Still, is there a solution for the infinite redirects?

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
sorry not quite getting why it must be segment based. you're going to face a lot of issues trying to ensure all the API out there plays nicely with segment based cuz none of them are segment based. i much rather you figure out why GET isn't working properly on your server... i mean it's GET... it should work... it really should.

Will look into it again - although as I already said I tried all of the uri_protocols without any luck.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
ok sorry i'm missing to much on anything said earlier. re-explain to me this "infinite redirection" problem and how to recreate it and what hosting you are on and i will tell you the steps to debug and solve it.

Well, everything else works fine (Twitter, Yahoo, Google) but when I try to log in with Facebook I get an infinite redirect and after a while my browser bails out. I'm watching the logs, it calls the same method (facebook_connect) over and over again. I tried with all of the uri_protocols but I can't get it to work.

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