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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

I'm missing something critical but I don't know what.

I've got a3m peanutbutter integrated and google signin almost works. It will take me to the approval page at google but the redirect back to my site just shows a 404 page. The link back is


Some of the important settings are:

$config['base_url'] = "http://www.danceminder.com";
$config['uri_protocol'] = "QUERY_STRING";
$config['allow_get_array'] = TRUE;
$config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ /index.php [L]
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|resource|system|user_guide|robots\.txt|favicon\.ico)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

I've scoured the net but can't find what's happening

I'm wondering if anybody here is actually using this plugin (sorry if I have not got the terminology correct, as I just started using CodeIgniter) for CodeIgniter? Or even something similar - as it seems this has been abandoned for sometime and I would have thought offering an auth tool like this would be something very popular amongst developers.

I've seen a few - but many of the demos don't seem to be working or there seems to be many issues in their support forums.

I'd be interested to hear from you *only* if you've actually implemented some and got them to work in the 'real world'

Ideally I'm looking for an Auth system that allows registration without any social services (i.e. email and password), Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter and while I'm at it MSN/Hotmail. Facebook and Google are my highest priorities.

Ideally what I'd like to also do is be able to easily access other various 'social' features with this plugin such as the ability to post on a wall, share to contacts, etc.

I've looked through this forum but can only seem to find Facebook or Google or stand alone authentication. Any advice for a newbie?

The Facebook connection (sign in, sign up, linked account) it’s not working. Maybe because Facebook changed the way to connect, perhaps because the php-sdk3, I don’t know. Anyway… anybody did fix it? Thanks folks.

This is odd. Out of the blue I am getting an error with Yahoo sign in.

Here is the error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function addExtension() on a non-object in ...../application/modules/account/controllers/connect_yahoo.php

Anyone else having this problem when trying to use Yahoo?

It's been working fine, and then all of a sudden I'm getting that error.

I believe it's coming from Yahoo. I looked at their developer site, but I didn't see anything about any changes.

I went to StackOverflow to see if their's was working and it is.

I saw a post on another website from yesterday telling them that they couldn't log in with Yahoo any more.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@EC / the last post.

I'm in the middle of installing a3, and after some tinkering and tweaking, I just got it all to work. With regards to your error, I see it sometimes when testing the yahoo login, but not all the time, not sure why it's happening.



I installed this a3m abnd got it working - I like it
I'm using pengkong-A3M-for-CodeIgniter-2.0-887ad87

I have just a little something to report - Suppose the following :
A user opens his browser and the browser comes up with the tabs of the last time,
one of this tab has an URL like :

So the application redirects to something like this :

So the user enters username and password and clicks on Sign In

But there he gets a "404 Page Not Found - The page you requested was not found."
Because he tries to find this :

Could someone help me to solve this problem ?

Nice job.
Hey, have some documentation ?

Thank you.

@Katxarro maybe facebook use oauth2 for their authentication now https://developers.facebook.com/docs/concepts/login/

first of all I'd like to thank you for the great piece of code and functionality. It's my first use of it.
I tried reading this thread - is there a way to search only within a thread - it has already 26 subpages and I couldn't find answer to my question.

And now the question: how do the permissions and roles work?
When I look at the database structure I see there are tables like a3m_acl_permission and a3m_acl_role
now does the library support these functionalities? I managed to install and run the library. Tested it, and started creating views for non-logged-in and logged-in users. But now I see I will need some more complexity.
Basically what I need is to divide my users into readers and publishers. Then I will have at least two categories of publishers: these who can write and these who can moderate (higher permission level). How can I achieve that? User management doesn't seem to be so simple as I thought at the beginning :-(

Once again, this library is great.
Thanks in advance

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