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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Because you can't just echo and object.



echo $this->ion_auth->get_user()->email;


Docs are looking good... I am glad to see an example of each function.


Hi Ben, thanks for taking time to chuck out a doc for us beginners.
I got a problem however, I'm currently trying out Ion Auth on a project
on my local (Win Vista) server and I can't understand why I don't see anything
in all the emails (activation etc) by Ion Auth.

I see the headers, i.e 'from', and 'to' addresses etc just no content.
And I have not changed the $config['email_templates'] from the default
'auth/email/' var.

Any insight would be helpful.

EDIT: Ignore this post. I made a mistake.

Ben. Firstly wanted to say that this is the auth library I liked the most in CI. I tried several others, and this was very simple and straight forward. I am already using it on my website.

I took a quick look at the docs and noticed that you had mentioned the default admin email incorrectly. Shouldn't it be admin@admin.com?

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

I don't think I've even documented the default login in the userguide yet... where did you see the wrong login?


[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

Made any progress yet?

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

The default login is documented now.


Thanks and enjoy!

Reading thru the docs, I noticed that you have email_check() listed twice.
I think the second email_check() should be identity_check().

Also, another suggestion might be to clarify the difference between messages() and errors() by providing a little more detail as to what they can be expected to return and when to check them.

And as a last suggestion/feature, perhaps a couple more functions:
extra_orderby() to allow ordering of the results (would add an 'ORDER BY fieldname ASC' or 'ORDER BY fieldname DESC').
extra_limit() to allow limiting the range/number of results returned (would add an 'LIMIT x,y').


[quote author="Ben Edmunds" date="1279261107"]dtechplus,

Made any progress yet?[/quote]

Nope. Same problem persist. Emails still not displaying.

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