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passing data from view to controller function?

[eluser]Bhavani Shekhawat[/eluser]
Is there any way that I can do all such processing inside a controller and pass it to the view?

That is what you are already doing now. That's kind of the point with MVC/CI. Controllers receives request, gets data from Model, processes data, render in a View.

[eluser]Bhavani Shekhawat[/eluser]
say for example I write following in my view:

anchor('site/click/'.$r->ArtifactID, $r->ArtifactID);

and following in my controller:

function click_something($link){} //

I see that ArtifactID is not being passed at all inside my function. When I am trying to echo it, it returns nothing. Any thoughts to this?

Are you using routing? If so, you need to use $this->uri->rsegment(3);

What do you get with:
function click_artifact($link){
echo $this->uri->uri_string();

function click_artifact(){
echo $this->uri->string();

[eluser]Bhavani Shekhawat[/eluser]
I get missing argument 1 for click_artifact when I pass $link

Oops...probably should have used
function click_artifact($link = FALSE){
  echo $this->uri->uri_string();

The second should have worked though. Also, check /application/config/config.php, and try another setting under $config['uri_protocol'] = "AUTO"; changed to a different setting as shown and try again.

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