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codeigniter 2.0.2


im using xampp on mac.

i already configured everything but still im having 403 error.
(url base,database)

Quote:i have this file

this is the new version and its not working but the old version where the application folder is inside the system is working.
why is that?can someone help me with this?pls help.

Thanks in advance.

guys help me...............

If this is a fresh install un-configure everything or just remove and throw in a new install don't do anything and just go to your localhost whatever that may be.

If you get the welcome message the start with the configurations and see which is the one causing the problem?

It might just be the uri_protocol a lot of people had a problem with that one, specially if you're using CI reactor.

If you do get an error with a fresh install and no configuration the your server is the problem probably a miss configuration can't really help there don't know macs and their stuff.

See what happens and report back with your new findings. and let us know when this is happening? like when you click on a link or when you just go straight to localhost.

[quote author="d1a8lo24" date="1305529342"]If this is a fresh install un-configure everything or just remove and throw in a new install don't do anything and just go to your localhost whatever that may be.[/quote]

i already did that, but still there's no welcome message like the usual.

Anyways, thanks.

If you havent done any major configuration on your server the just uninstall xamp and get the latest version and do a fresh install of the server.

Also have you try a regular htaccess file. Just throw one in, in the root folder see what happens.

Also make sure that the root folder has the read write permission like 0755 having the wrong permissions can throw an error like a 403 forbidden.

First try to get the welcome message.

It seems your server is creating the problem.

You can only try to add base_url no database or other configuration is needed to get welcome message

its just, my old codeigniter works fine.but when i try to download the new codeigniter its not working.

i will try to clear my logs and cache.maybe it will helps.

normally welcome page CI doesnt need any configuration, please runing from other folder or if you use vhost make sure you have right path for vhost Smile

[quote author="ghprod" date="1305878434"]normally welcome page CI doesnt need any configuration, please runing from other folder or if you use vhost make sure you have right path for vhost Smile[/quote]

Ya try this.

i already did that. but its still the same. i just download it, extract it and copied it. no improvement Sad

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