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@lnguyen, what exactly you need.

@jameshang, thats how ActiveRecord ORM works. If you need more adjustment, consider to write Gas ORM extension.

@toopay: may be count_all_result() function is not working. So you can check it or guide me how can i count all record with my conditions.

Now i added code in Gas.php file and it working good:
public function count()
    return count($this->select($this->primary_key)->all());

Hi, I'm doing something like this:

$all_users = Model\User::with('blog')->all();

                foreach ($all_users as $some_user)
                        echo 'User ' .$some_user->username.' and he seems have several kids:';

                        foreach ($some_user->blog() as $blog)
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo $blog->title ;
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';

But why the output is:
User kevin and he seems have several kids:User francie and he seems have several kids:

francies first post

francies second post

francie 3rd

It is just showing francie's post, but not showing kevin's post? Is this a bug?

I enabled CI profiler and the created query is this:

0.0004    SELECT *
FROM (`user`)
0.0004    SELECT * FROM `blog` WHERE `blog`.`user_id` IN (2)

I also tried this one and its giving me the results I wanted:

$all_users = Model\User::all();

                foreach ($all_users as $some_user)
                        echo 'User ' .$some_user->username.' and he seems have several kids:';

                        foreach ($some_user->blog() as $blog)
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo $blog->title ;
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';
                            echo '<br>';


But the problem is its making this queries:

0.0004    SELECT *
FROM (`user`)
0.0004    SELECT * FROM `blog` WHERE `blog`.`user_id` IN (2)
0.0003    SELECT * FROM `blog` WHERE `blog`.`user_id` IN (1)

It always makes a new query for fetching the blog posts of EACH user. Which is not good for performance, so I really wanted to use eager loading like this one:

$all_users = Model\User::with('blog')->all();

I hope you can resolve the problem. Thanks Smile


Hi! I'm trying to use Gas ORM but I'm stuck with a many-to-many relationship.

I've two tables A, B linked by a third C table

A fields: [id, name]
B fields: [id, name]
C fileds: [id, a_id, b_id, value]

on C table, a_id and b_id are FK to related tables.

What I'm trying to do is to get for each A item, his name, the name of related B items plus the value from C table.

John, Red, 10
John, Blue, 12
Mike, Red, 11

This is how I've defined relationships

In A model:
self::$relationships = array(
    'a'  => ORM::has_many('\\Model\\B\\A => \\Model\\A')

In B model:
self::$relationships = array(
    'b'  => ORM::has_many('\\Model\\B\\A => \\Model\\B')

In C model:
self::$relationships = array(
    'b' => ORM::belongs_to('\\Model\\B'),
    'a' => ORM::belongs_to('\\Model\\A'),

Then I get some data using this code:
$data['items'] = Model\A::with('b')->all();

So I can use it into view
foreach ($items as $a) {
    foreach ($a->b() as $b) {
        // Here I need to show the value field from C table

And now the question, does this query $data['items'] = Model\A::with('b')->all(); retrieves C table data too?

No. But you could specify has_many C relationship in your A entity. Btw, this is thread for older version, go to this thread if you have further question on Gas ORM 2.


Just like to know if its possible to use memcache for the caching Gas is doing?

I found a bug.
If you use join with limit conditions. Limit is return 0.
//some code...
$results = Gas::factory('sections')->select('sections.*, buildings.name as bname, directions.name as dname')
                 ->order_by($sortname, $sortorder)
   ->left_join_buildings('buildings.id = sections.building_id')
   ->left_join_directions('directions.id = sections.direction_id')
   ->limit($limit, $offset)
echo Gas::factory('sections')->last_sql();


I'm fixed. In file Gas.php line 5097.
//add code: and $type != 'limit' after $node
if ( ! in_array($type, $preserve) and $type == $node and $type != 'limit')
Sorry for my EL.

@lnguyen, thanks.


Why does GasORM use "12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros" is this a mistake or by purpose?

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