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Installing an old application to a new server

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
The first error line is still a typo error, which generated the next 7 seconds of errors
Did you fix the typo and try again?

yep not getting those errors anymore, but it does seem i am getting someone trying to access my system, because I had an error in the log saying that /var/www/robots.txt doesnt exist... which it doesnt... but no code i have references that.

Someone from america tried to access it...

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
that may be a search engine spider trying to index your site. It would look for robots.txt
You'd have to look at the access log for that info. Don't know where it's at and it's not germane to the problem anyway.

ah ok, well i know its coming from Colorado, but thats about it Smile

So we know this problem is related to databases, we dont know why its happening.

What are the possibilities?

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
RE the spider, they may have picked up the url from these posts (Privacy? what privacy?)

RE the problem, The following might be where to look:
1) The database driver files in the system/database directory. Replace them with a fresh download of V2.0.2 PS that contains DB.php which is the 'database' library, different name.
2) The Server itself using php of a later version. I don't see errors that point to this.
3) A php error, which I would expect to be picked up and reported to you, if the php reporting level is high enough in index.php and turned on in php.ini. I think both are true now, right? You might have to look at the php logs directly and turn on CI's error logging feature to get it to write to the log directory. Mostly that log is for your messages, not the ones coming from CI or php.

4) Gremlins in the server. Don't laugh, they exist and work for the big computer company we love to hate.
5) ?

Oh i completely agree with you on 4, dont forget 6) profit

I will take a look at 1) and i hope to agree with 2) as its a lower php version on this server with it being impossible to update.

As for 3, I think I have...

I did as suggested, also grabbed the default autoload file, updated the libraries list to include the needed session and layout libraries, and its blank screening.

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
Apache log and php log show anything?

showed two new errors, one was for lacking session, which i then put into the libraries auto load, that went away, the other was for undefined function redirect, which i assume is part of sessions.

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
So no errors showing now, just fails to load the view?

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