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Extanding the CI_Controller ot working

hi, i'm using the Codeigniter.2.1.3 for a website, so i need to extend the CI_Controller so i can add a method to be executed with all controllers so i did what's in the user_guide:
creating a file named MY_Controller.php in the application/core folder the creating in it MY_Controller Class that extends the CI_Controller, the changing my regular controller to extend the MY_controller like this:
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller{
protected $page;
# Constructor
function __construct (){
  #code shared with all controllers
public function get_page(){
            #code to get_the right page here
regular controller named Regular.php:
class Regular extends MY_Controller{
public function __construct(){
public function index(){
but the following error keep appearing:
Fatal error: Class 'MY_Controller' not found in /var/www/immo/CodeIgniter_2.1.3/application/controllers/regular.php on line 2
thanx in advance.

Are your permissions set correctly? That is can the webserver user access and read the file "MY_Controller.php"? And do you have the PHP opening tags in your file? Yet no PHP closing tags?

yes the permission are set correctly 777 for the MY_Controller file and yes there is a php opening tag and no closing tag.

If you are running on a live server make sure all of your filenames are all lower case, some servers are case sensitive.

not a live server and the codeigniter wants the extended file name with the prefix MY_ and the rest of the class name capitalized the problem is that the MY_Controller is not autoloaded for some reason maybe i should do that manually.

Add this to the bottom of your application/config/config.php file

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Native spl_autoload_register() - by Kenneth Vogt
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Here is an updated version of Phil Sturgeon’s code:
| Thanks to Phil Sturgeon and Kenneth Vogt.
| Requires PHP 5.3.+
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| MODIFIED by InsiteFX
| As of CI 3.0 Dev - The constant EXT has been removed modified
| to use '.php' now instead of EXT.
| should work for all version of CI and PHP 5.3
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Place at the bottom of your ./application/config/config.php file.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (strpos($class, 'CI_') !== 0)
  if (file_exists($file = APPPATH . 'core/' . $class . '.php'))
   include $file;
  elseif (file_exists($file = APPPATH . 'libraries/' . $class . '.php'))
   include $file;

[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1353478395"]Add this to the bottom of your application/config/config.php file

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Native spl_autoload_register() - by Kenneth Vogt
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Here is an updated version of Phil Sturgeon’s code:
| Thanks to Phil Sturgeon and Kenneth Vogt.
| Requires PHP 5.3.+
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| MODIFIED by InsiteFX
| As of CI 3.0 Dev - The constant EXT has been removed modified
| to use '.php' now instead of EXT.
| should work for all version of CI and PHP 5.3
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Place at the bottom of your ./application/config/config.php file.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (strpos($class, 'CI_') !== 0)
  if (file_exists($file = APPPATH . 'core/' . $class . '.php'))
   include $file;
  elseif (file_exists($file = APPPATH . 'libraries/' . $class . '.php'))
   include $file;

You don't need that code - it only allows you to extend other controllers from MY_Controller & then extend from those.


@jmadsen - I know that I wanted to see if he was having an autoload issue. But I always use that code because I have Admin and Public Controllers.

Make sure you saved the MY_Controller to application/core/MY_Controller.php

still not working now it gives me 2 new warnnings:

include_once(application/core/MY_Controller.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

include_once(): Failed opening 'application/core/MY_Controller.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/var/www/ZendFramework/library')

no idea what that means and the application/core/MY_Controller.php exsists and it's readable.

Here is my MY_Controller template:
Save to application/core/MY_Controller.php

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Created by phpDesigner 8.
* Date  : 11/21/2012
* Time  : 2:19:52 AM
* Author: Raymond L King Sr. - The Learn CodeIgniter Development Team.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class MY_Controller
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Class variables - public, private, protected and static.
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------

  *  __construct
  * Class Constructor PHP 5+
  * @access public
  * @return void
  public function __construct()


} // End of Class.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* End of file MY_Controller.php
* Location: ./application/core/MY_Controller.php
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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