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looking for a Form and Crud library

(This post was last modified: 04-23-2015, 01:29 AM by badpenguin.)

can anybody suggest me:

1) a Form library, for faster prototyping a Contact form, that will support not only the form's validation but also the generation of the HTML for the input, the displaying of errors, handling of the POST, etc.; something like:
$form = FormFactory('myform');
$field1 = $form->Add('TextField','name')->SetMandatory()->AddValidateCallback('filter_name')->setErrorMessage('the name is mandatory and must be uppercase')->setPlaceholder('service name');

2) a Crud library, like grocerycrud.com, but that i can use within CI for faster prototyping a backoffice/admin panel?
i don't know if you know the ATK/Achievo framework, it supports relations 1-to-1, many-to-many, one-to-many with nested windows;
i'm looking something to port it to C.I.

Thanks in advance! Heart
Antonio Gallo
http://www.badpenguin.org/ - No Profit, Open Source Software Association
http://www.antoniogallo.it/ - Freelancer

I can only suggest to you : http://www.grocerycrud.com/

Not really related to your questions, but what is it that you don't like regarding CI's form validation?

(04-22-2015, 11:32 PM)Avenirer Wrote: Not really related to your questions, but what is it that you don't like regarding CI's form validation?

I edited my post and expanded my original question since it was not clear in first place.
Antonio Gallo
http://www.badpenguin.org/ - No Profit, Open Source Software Association
http://www.antoniogallo.it/ - Freelancer

Now i understand. Thank you for expanding the question Smile

(04-23-2015, 01:37 AM)Avenirer Wrote: Now i understand. Thank you for expanding the question Smile

Yep Smile To be more clear:

My frontends are always maded with C.I.


I usually have backoffice/admin panels done with http://www.atk-framework.com/
this tool is VERY OLD but it allows to do complex app in 2-4 hours
i've almost did a full ecommerce in only 2 days.

I need to find an alternative to it soon since its abandoned-ware and i think it does not work well with php 5.5.
So i keep it running on debian squeeze LTS.

I've half-developed a Crud solution of mine but i was just curious why there seems no alternative to this.
The only things similar i found is Django in Python.

If a CRUD solution is not available having a Form library that works as i expect will be a good base to start, i'll just have to add my
"grid" code for the many-to-many relations.
Antonio Gallo
http://www.badpenguin.org/ - No Profit, Open Source Software Association
http://www.antoniogallo.it/ - Freelancer

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