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CodeIgniter 4 Playground

Great news, thanks!

We have LOTS to add, but if anyone has requests for examples they would like to see implemented this would be a good place to ask.

(This post was last modified: 11-27-2019, 11:04 AM by jasonzig. Edit Reason: correcting name spelling )

(11-27-2019, 07:50 AM)MGatner Wrote: We have LOTS to add, but if anyone has requests for examples they would like to see implemented this would be a good place to ask.

Thank you SO much for this!

I think one nice addition would be to add the Doctrine-as-service as described here (Doctrine as a C4 Service)
by MGatner and ScientiFist, along with a quick example of proper usage all the way through a controller and view, of course.

(Using CodeIgniter since 1.x)

We will definitely cover how to use third-party packages, including using Service wrappers and other ways to “make them native.” Doctrine actually replicates a lot of functionality of the framework, so I don’t know that it makes a lot of sense to go in-depth on. Basically once you’ve loaded it you are using it as an alternative layer to the framework’s database-model-entity trio.
If there’s a lot of ORM demand I could see a section covering how one might approach this functionality, either in the playground or the User Guide.

It's really awesome, thanks for your hard work !
Times here can be send their themes for implementation, then perhaps I leave 2 of them:
And so the first thing I would most like to see is an authentication system without the use of third-party libraries and the "ThirdParty" folder.
Well, the second is how to change the structure of the sessions table using the database driver, although I think that this does not apply to this topic and if so then excuse me and accept my first question about authentication.
I would change this world, but God doesn't give me the source.

(11-25-2019, 09:53 AM)jlp Wrote: This playground is here to help you learn CodeIgniter 4 by example. We try to cover use cases for the most common tasks you'll find yourself doing in web applications. Where there are multiple ways to do something, we've tried to give examples of doing things in each way.

Am I missing something or the playground is just an empty CI app? I don’t see any example code?
Thumbs Up 

"the first thing I would most like to see is an authentication system without the use of third-party libraries and the "ThirdParty" folder"


(11-27-2019, 06:31 PM)includebeer Wrote:
(11-25-2019, 09:53 AM)jlp Wrote: This playground is here to help you learn CodeIgniter 4 by example. We try to cover use cases for the most common tasks you'll find yourself doing in web applications. Where there are multiple ways to do something, we've tried to give examples of doing things in each way.

Am I missing something or the playground is just an empty CI app? I don’t see any example code?

The Heroes Model has some example code, and there is some spark code that loads sample data into SQLite, though there's no example code showing how to call the model and present its data in a view.

(Using CodeIgniter since 1.x)

(This post was last modified: 11-27-2019, 08:11 PM by John_Betong.)


I followed the additional playground/README.md instructions.

Composer downloaded lots of files, I set the .env->Database with relevant login details and still failed Sad

The GitHub README.md file was not copied and pasted accurately.

Some of the instructions are not crystal clear Sad

cd playground composer install

CI_ENVIRONMENT = development app.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/'

php spark migrate php spark dbConfusedeed PlaygroundSeeder

On the topic of an authentication system, I would really enjoy seeing example integrations of Myth Auth and Skunkbad's Community Auth.

(Using CodeIgniter since 1.x)

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