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Rabbit Forms Beta 1.0.5

Your language is fine, don't worry. I'm sure everybody appreciates your efforts.
I just noticed you lang by the window menus..

Thanks again.

I'm from Portugal, BTW. Wink

Hi Wilker, do you have ONLINE TESTER, I want test this Rabbit.

Hi all! Beta 1.0.4 is out!


* New: Image Field
* New: date can display a value and save another
* New: list fields accepts orderby and filters at dbsource
* New: validator base class properties is now exposed
* New: callback validator
* Change: redirect is removed from configuration
* Fix: File field to don't remove files in update (in case of a new file sent)
* Fix: form doc at getField

i did not have time to changes do documentation at wiki... i will do this after

and I remadded the video, the sound is not perfect, but is so much better Wink
download video at: http://www.luizsouza.net/wilker/rabbitfo...kstart.wmv

the previous video is removed

I'm getting into a cirurgic operation today and I will disapear for some days... post here your feedback about the library, what you liking, what you are't liking, some change suggestions and critics

and thanks jauhari Wink

I'll give a look to this as soon as possible.

good luck with surgery.

see ya around.

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
Check that for your screencasts:

Release beta 1.0.5


* New: Html editor (using TinyMCE)
* New: File Validator
* New: Unique Validator
* Change: Image field auto-add image extensions valitador
* Change: by default the textfield and textarea doesn't accept html (using htmlentities to reject)
* Fix: retrieve name at foreign retrieveView
* Fix: unique validator when editing current row

the next efforts will be into wiki documentation to synchonize with release version Wink

I think there is a small "bug" in the wiki (yml configuration page):

remove: controller/method/

should be:

delete: controller/method/

And about pagination, i use language code in the first segment of url, thus i have to include uri segment in yml file:

        base_url: lang_code/controller/method/
        uri_segment: 4

And now, i'm going to play with 1.0.5!

Thanks deck1 Smile

Wiki configuration fixed Wink

and, i don't remember if i said before, but the redirect configuration is removed, now you need to do this in a more flexible way into your manage method like this:

function myManage($id = false) {
  $content = $this->rabbitform->run('configuration.yml', $id);

  if($content) {
    echo $content;
  } else {

Now the run method returns a empty string if the form is successfully sent, or the html of form otherwise Wink

Another way of redirect is with a hidden input containing the referrer, and on successful update, redirect to that referrer.

Hi Wilker
I've seen your instructional video, and it is just incredible to see how rabbitforms works.
I'd like to ask you if it would be lot of work to change it so it is php4 compatible.
For example, my hosting doesn't have php5 yet. We have to pay for them to install (shared server) etc.
I think there're some places that aren't ready yet for php5

Just my thoughts...

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