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Rabbit Forms Beta 1.0.5

not at this time... if you can, please post this as a feature request at project tracker Smile

I'm using Rabbit Forms but I'm stuck in a strange error...

this is the class:

class Cms_manageBlog extends Controller {
    function Cms_manageBlog() {
    function index() {
        $pageTitle = "CMS | Manage Blog";
        $data['HTMLHeader'] = loadHTMLHeader($pageTitle);
        $data['HTMLFooter'] = loadHTMLFooter();
        $data['header'] = getHeader($pageTitle);
        $data['footer'] = getFooter();
        $data['mainNav'] = getCMSMainNav();
        $data['content'] = $this->rabbitform->retrieve('blogPostsFormConf.yml');
        $this->load->view('cms_manageBlog_view', $data);

In the browser the only thing I get is a blank screen... so I took a look in the php_error log file and I saw the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 524288 bytes) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/naocoisas_v2/system/application/libraries/Rabbitform.php on line 116

If I comment the line with the retrieve function, everything is Ok. He only returns the error complaining about the $content variable. So this has something to do with that line...

any ideas?!

oh! Forget the solution about increasing the memory limit in PHP. Doesn't work too.

its really strange... please post your yml configuration file Wink

here it is:
table: blog_posts
primary_key: post_id
  type: TextBox
  label: title
   -type: Required
  type: Date
  label: date
   style: width: 70px;
    -type: Required
  type: TextArea
  label: text
   class: formPostContent
   style: width: 250px; height:100px;
    -type: Required
manage: cms_manageBlog/addPost/
delete: cms_manageBlog/removePost/

I can't see anything wrong here...

(the indentation is ok in the source code)

the manage and delete are indented in configuration file under retrieve section?

yes, they are... :roll:

Wilker? Anyone?
I'm really stuck and desperate with this issue...
Any help will be really appreciated!! Sad


Problem solved. When I extracted Rabbit Form's Zip package, I noticed that there wasn't any folder with the name "forms" inside rabbit-forms folder. Instead, I saw the forms folder inside the "lib" folder and I put the yml files there. This was the problem...

When I created a new folder called "forms" inside rabbit-forms folder and transferred the yml files to there, everything went fine.

Why didn't you include this folder inside the package..?

Thank you all!

[eluser]Dagobert Renouf[/eluser]
Hello Wilker and congrats for the beautiful work done here.

While trying to get rabbitforms to work, I discovered a bug MUAHAHAHAHAH :vampire: :vampire: :vampire: :vampire: .

CodeIgniter offers a useful way to rewrite short tags by itself in case your server doesn't allow them, that's why I had set $config['rewrite_short_tags'] = TRUE;
The fact is I had an error when going to the index function of my first controller with rabbitforms, the error was :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\www\CodeIgniter_1.6.2\system\libraries\Loader.php(706) : eval()'d code on line 54

I dug for a while and then found that it was just about this rewrite option.

You should add it as a requirement or find how to solve this issue.

Thanks for your nice work Wilker,
Can you pls give some more Tutorials how to use config files for CheckBox, Dropdown CheckGroups ect.
for example i want to validate Checkboxs as Genre : M or F or radios Topic Smileys : On or Off
How can i validate or can i use like this : TextBox trim|required|min_length[5]|alpha_dash|xss_clean....
Thanks for reply

Edit : Adding new entry having problem whit Turkish characters
And i have a db table like : category as fields -> cat_id | cat_name | cat_order
this does not work if i change thi cat_id field to id its working

Edit2 : if i can use text helper -> ascii_to_entities() function to entity Turkish chars will be ok ?

Where can i use text helper for posted values ?


I have some questions about installing this.
Do I need to put the files manually into the correct folders or does the rabbit-forms folder need to stay together?

I see that in your example the application folder is on the same level as index.php


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