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BackendPro 0.6.1

Hi Adam,

Using BackendPro 0.2a 20080814, I get the following message when entering
control panel/Access Control/Groups:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file in D:\www\antecedents\modules\auth\views\admin\access_control\groups.php on line 34.

Also unless CI or BackendPro does something I'm not aware of, you can't include IE conditional comments in css files as they must be parsed as html. If I'm right assets\shared\css\ie.css cannot work. Also there is an IE hack in forms.css.

Regardless of the above nit-picking, I think this is a major piece of work and congratulate you on it.


OK I have changed the SVN version of the code to hopefully fix the warning your getting.

To do with the IE conditional comments, I do know about this problem but currently have no idea how to fix it. The only idea I came up with was if instead of linking to the files it included their contents on the page. But then browser cache's arn't used. Any ideas?

As to do with an IE hack in forms.css, this is OK. the IE.css file only contains hacks which make IE and FF work at the most basic level. Its just to make the css rules more modular.


Found another warning! modules\auth\views\admin\access_control\resources.php line 33.

As far as the css thing goes, I normally put the conditionals in the head section of the relevant php file to include the appropriate css file(s). Of course this means you need separate files for each conditional but it does make for a clean solution.

<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="IE_all.css" type="text/css" />

&lt;!--[if lt IE 6]>
&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="ie6.css" type="text/css" /&gt;

&lt;!--[if IE 5]> etc...

The ordering of the files is also relevant with the most significant last.


Hi Adam

Sorry if my question is duplicate, your application looks very cool and i have implemented one on my localhost server. and it works perfectly. But when i tried to install your application onto my web server, even the installation is success, it just keep showing me the blank page. I knew there are few people mentioned this issue, and it seems relating to the missing files. But i have checked the apache error log, i can't find any missing file errors. I have tried to install your app on three different server and it just not show me anything.

Will you be able to help me on this problem. thanks!


First thing to do, is does a default CI install work on its own?

The only thing I can quickly think of is check the config.php file, make sure it is all correct, e.g. the base urls are correct.

[quote author="adamp1" date="1211735820"]First thing to do, is does a default CI install work on its own?

The only thing I can quickly think of is check the config.php file, make sure it is all correct, e.g. the base urls are correct.[/quote]

CI is working fine on its own. i have also checked the config.php file nothing seems wrong.

Will it be the issue of file / folder permission??

[quote author="adamp1" date="1211735820"]First thing to do, is does a default CI install work on its own?

The only thing I can quickly think of is check the config.php file, make sure it is all correct, e.g. the base urls are correct.[/quote]

I have found following similar errors in the apache error logs in three web server which i installed the backendpro.

[Thu May 22 13:10:51 2008] [error] [client ] File does not exist: /home/aplonline/domains/mydomain/public_html/favicon.ico

[Thu May 22 19:35:39 2008] [error] [client ] File does not exist: /home/aplonline/domains/mydomain/public_html/favicon.ico

[Thu May 22 20:10:50 2008] [error] [client ] File does not exist: /home/aplonline/domains/mydomain/public_html/favicon.ico

[Mon May 26 19:46:30 2008] [error] [client ] File does not exist: /var/www/html/aplonline/favicon.ico

The only folder permissions which are needed is that the assets folder be writeable. Everything else should just be readable.

A few people have had this problem with the blank loading page, but I have to admit I am stuck to as why it is happening. To do with the favicon fies I don't see why that would cause it. If BeP works on your local server but not on the web servers what is different between them?

It has to be something in the setup of the server, since you have double checked all files are in the correct places. (You haven't by any chance moved location of the application folder without updating the index.php file to point to its new location have you)

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
i had similar issues with codex...turned out to be that the logs/ folder had to be writable...so i just turned the logging level to 0

Hi Adam,

I've come up with a solution to the conditional IE css problem - it's not elegant and I'm sure you could improve it, however...

1. create css files for each of the relevant browsers and tack onto the filename an extra element which is the condition. For example ie.css.gte_ie_6 and add them to the array in modules/page/config/page.php

2. modify modules/page/libraries/Page.php _include_css($file) as follows
function _include_css($file)
    $parts = explode('.',$file);
    $numparts = count($parts);
    if ($numparts > 2)
        $file = $parts[0] . '.' . $parts[1];
    $prefix = '&lt;!--[if ' . str_replace('_',' ',$parts[2]) . ']>';
    $suffix = '<![endif]--&gt;';
        $prefix = '';
    $suffix = '';

    $this->output .= $prefix . '&lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . base_url() . $file . '" /&gt;' . $suffix;
    $this->output .= "\n";

This is quick & dirty insofar as BackendPro will cache items unnecessarily (an ie file on firefox for example). A better way forward would be to test the conditional against the browser and only load the file as and when necessary.


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