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Pagination please

Hi..can someone help me ( again ) with paging ?
i dont get how it works...
I understand that we need controllers and view models to create something with Ci
my controller name is : dojang.php
and my view file is : news_view.php
index.php is located in www.localhost.com/ci2/index.php

in this news_view i Have 20 lines of rows and i would like to separate them into pages
1st page : 1..10
2nd page : 11..20
I've wrote this code on my controller file (dojang.php) and it didnt work, can someone help me solve this problem ? thanks a million lol.
$query = $this->db->get();


echo $this->pagination->create_links();

You need to add limit in your query because thats how pagination works in CI.

can u send me ur code , so i can study it... thx.

code plz ...
help help ... lol

$query = $this->db->get();

Thanks a lot ^-^ ..So it doesnt always have to use models.

You don't have to use models but it is recommended to keep your data retrieval and manipulation code centralized.

I recommend models b/c if you have a lot of code and are tired, looking for that "db->query" makes you dizzy. Big Grin

Look at this: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/76812/

hmmm i c, finally i managed to use the pagination class done, but 1 think ,thats confusing me , how to use a pagination class together with your own query.Like : myquery is :
$query = "SELECT hforum.*,count(*) as topics from hforum,dforum where dforum.topic_id=hforum.id group by hforum.id";

there are 20 rows as a result in that query, and i want to divide into 4 different section, how can i do that ? thanks

The pagination doesn't work that way because it would cause confusion. You can do this
$config['per_page'] = floor($total/4);
But that means if your total goes up you will have more items per page. Instead of 5 items you would have 10 if you have 40 rows.

It's best to have a consistent volume of items per page. It's not always the case because the last page can have 1 to the number of the per_page setting items but it's something everyone understands.

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