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Template Library Version 1.4.1

[eluser]Randy Casburn[/eluser]
Oh...OK, well for me, Colin has done great work. Just like CI, though, I need a little extra out of it. Now I can extend it just like other CI classes. The alternative is to fall back to traditional include() or require() statements. This would just as well work too I suppose. It just wouldn't bee like CI.

I think there would be more potential for name conflicts too.

Hope that helps.


Hey Colin, awesome work on this release. I love the fact that I can extend this to add to it without having to screw around with the actual library. Keep up the awesome work!

Hello i think i found a bug..
(version 1.4.0, but maybe also reproducible using version 1.4.1 since it use the same core like you said)

Here is the example how to:

i have 2 region which is content and sidebar.

Then in Controller (ex: hello.php)

// Content region data
$data_content['hello'] = 'hello';    
// Sidebar region data
$data_sidebar['username'] = 'test';

$this->template->write('title', 'Hello');        
$this->template->write_view('content', 'content', $data_content);
$this->template->write_view('sidebar', 'sidebar', $data_sidebar);

Then in View (sidebar.php)

echo $hello;

The bug is:
You can use $data_content variable(in this case $hello) even it wasn't passed into sidebar view.

This might become a problem if i am passing the same variable name, isset function will return true even actually the variable wasn't passed into the view.

Thank you

[eluser]Ivan A. Zenteno[/eluser]
I use this lib but I do not see how to use this with CI modules, because the path to Views is static to application/views/ and the modules of CI are application/modules/ the Views of the modules are somemodule/views.

Some body have the same problem?

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
@Randy: First off, thanks for the kind words. I think I see where you are going with add_region() but I don't know... I'm not thinking very logically tonight Smile The placement of regions is provided by the master_template, with receives the regions as variables, like a classic view. If you wanted the added region to output above $footer, you would simply shift it "above" footer in the template's markup. I have a feeling we are on different pages... Feel free to discuss it more.

@Too Pixel:

Quote:This mean I can overide your library using a MY_Template.php file, right? Out of this point, what are the benefits to have a library as a core class?

Namespacing in this manner should always be followed, and the only namespace I can rely on, given CodeIgniter's set conventions, is prefixing libraries with "CI_". And yes, this has the added effect of being able to override it like a core class. That's one benefit. The other benefit is something I actually noticed when debugging this release. I created a controller called "Template" to add test code to, and you can imagine the problem that caused: Fatal error: Cannot redefine class "Template". That's reason number two.

I think naming custom Libraries "CI_Library" is a general rule you should follow, especially if you intend to share it.


Quote:The bug is:
You can use $data_content variable(in this case $hello) even it wasn’t passed into sidebar view.

This is the nature of CI, it's Views system, and "embedding" Views. Many people actually see it as a feature, not a bug. Don't fear name clashes, because if your 'sidebar' View was explicitly passed a $hello variable, it would in affect override the 'content' View's $hello variable. Again, CI takes care of this, and Template is just a "wrapper" for CI Views.

@AgentPhoenix: Thanks! Working on 1.5/2.0 (depending on how much goes into it) at the moment.

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
Quote:I use this lib but I do not see how to use this with CI modules, because the path to Views is static to application/views/ and the modules of CI are application/modules/ the Views of the modules are somemodule/views.

Some body have the same problem?

Template was designed to work with CI, not necessarily CI + modular solutions. Template follows CI's conventions strictly, and by necessity, solutions like ME - HMVC subvert these conventions.

With that said, I have had users confirm that they were able to get Template and ME - HMVC working together swimmingly. I am considering implementing a "compatibility mode" that will work swimmingly with these modular solutions, but that requires diving into them and figuring them out, which isn't exactly what I want to do at this point. Search "Template Library Version 1.4.0" and read through that thread where this issue was discussed.

[eluser]Milos Dakic[/eluser]
[quote author="Colin Williams" date="1226310893"]
Quote:I use this lib but I do not see how to use this with CI modules, because the path to Views is static to application/views/ and the modules of CI are application/modules/ the Views of the modules are somemodule/views.

Some body have the same problem?

Template was designed to work with CI, not necessarily CI + modular solutions. Template follows CI's conventions strictly, and by necessity, solutions like ME - HMVC subvert these conventions.

With that said, I have had users confirm that they were able to get Template and ME - HMVC working together swimmingly. I am considering implementing a "compatibility mode" that will work swimmingly with these modular solutions, but that requires diving into them and figuring them out, which isn't exactly what I want to do at this point. Search "Template Library Version 1.4.0" and read through that thread where this issue was discussed.[/quote]

How about including the cascaded file search like ME? So if you have something like this:

+ application
+ modules
  + system
   + views
     - one.tpl
+ views
  - two.tpl

Where as you have to be in the "System" module to get access to the one.tpl file. I'm sorry if I don't make scene, I can explain better if needed.

[eluser]Randy Casburn[/eluser]
@milos - it really isn't that dramatic. I've simply overridden Loader with a simple module loader method that looks a modules folder. It's very straight forward and has fewer hassles than the hierarchy tree searches. It is less flexible though.

I'll post it if you're interested.


[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
The only place it should theoretically break down is when it's cascading through suggested view files. Otherwise, it just calls $this->load->view(), which ought to work as expected with any situation. If a third party solution overrides how Views are loading, that introduces too much change, in my opinion.

[eluser]Milos Dakic[/eluser]
@Randy: If you have a solution for ME5 please post Smile
@Colin: It would be very useful as many people are going towards the use of a HMVC (or partially).

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